On Sat, Aug 6, 2016 at 11:18 AM, Arne Babenhauserheide <arne_...@web.de>
> > It is certainly true that I'm preoccupied with other things (namely
> making
> > a living - an unfortunate necessity for most people).  Should someone
> else
> > come along with the time, motivation, and expertise to take over as
> > coordinator, I would welcome it.  No such person has come forward.
> For the past 2 years, except for money allocation, that person has been
> Steve. He merges pull requests and all volunteers respect his decisions
> on merging. For the volunteer work we’re not missing leadership.

If Steve is interested in taking over as coordinator then I would be more
than happy to discuss it with him.

> a) that new site works when uploaded into Freenet and

This seems like an unnecessary complication.  The new site will be
primarily aimed at new users, if they're already using Freenet then it is
preaching to the converted. The detailed content will be in Github Wiki
which can be mirrored into Freenet, but this should not be a barrier to the
website redesign.

> b) it preserves all inbound links and

This is desirable, unless it becomes a significant impediment to a
redesign.  Do we know which inbound links receive significant traffic?

> c) is actually finished, so it does not require us volunteers to spend
>    half a year of work to make it actually work (like re-translating
>    everything, re-integrating the infrastructure to deploy it, etc).

The new site will require re-translation, but this should not be turned
into an obstacle to the redesign.  Since the new site will focus on
education of non-Freenet users, it should have a lot less copy requiring

> However I would much prefer if your proposal would not be to task a
> designer with redesigning it "from the ground up", but with "making the
> Freenet site rock" and leaving it to the designer whether to break
> everything (and invest the work to integrate everything) or to just
> create a better theme and restructure existing content.

Designers don't make that kind of decision, the role you're thinking of is
Chief Marketing Officer.  We don't have one of those, but fortunately I
have a good understanding of marketing.

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