The last paragraph positively enraged me and I withdrew from the
process. It’s one thing to discuss openly but a completely different
thing to officially hire someone external with self-derogatory wording.

Ian Clarke writes:

> Fairly limited feedback, ok - I've incorporated many of the suggestions - will
> initiate the 99designs project tomorrow.
> Ian Clarke
> Founder, The Freenet Project
> Email:
> On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 11:27 AM, Ian Clarke wrote:
> Dammit, I guess the link got stripped out, here it is:
> On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 9:38 AM, Ian Clarke < > wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm working on a design brief for 99designs for the new site, would appreciate
> everyone's input, you can comment on the document and propose changes here .
> For those unfamiliar with 99designs, it allows you to request submissions from
> many designers around the world - you can then select the best ones and 
> request
> improvements. I've used it very successfully in the past.
> My basic plan is to ask for 2 pages, a homepage or landing page, and then a
> generic template where we can insert our own body content, this can be used 
> for
> the rest of the site.
> I'd like to start the 99designs contest by Thursday, so please offer your
> feedback ASAP.
> Ian.
> Ian Clarke
> Founder, The Freenet Project
> Email:

Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken

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