This happened at an interesting point in time:
The financial allocation poll was finished last Sunday and I wanted to publish 
the results - but the GPG signatures of at least 4 participants were invalid 
and I luckily was paranoid enough to postpone the publishing because of that.

I had requested the contributors to re-sign the attachments with a detached 
signature, i.e. not embedded into the mail headers but a plain file attachment 
instead. I could validate 3 of the original attachments to not be tampered 
with. So likely the invalid sigs were due to bugs in the mailservers.

Still, I am waiting for one signature of a core developer to be validated and 
considering this event, I will not publish the results until I have a 
His case is also the most concerning one: The mail with the invalid signature 
did NOT embed it into the mail headers but shipped it as a file attachment. 
This should be much less likely to be a mailserver bug, so I'd really rather 
wait for the participant to find time to give me a new sig. He's aware of it.

As consequences, I would request the following:

- I've seen invalid signatures on devl rather frequently in the past and 
shrugged it off because the contents were not security-critical discussion and 
mailservers frequently seem to damage the headers in a way which causes 
invalid sigs.
Can any of our server admins reproduce this = is this a bug of our server, not 
my mail client? I had commented on the mails with invalid sigs at the 
"Financial allocation poll stage 3" thread.
If yes, can you please investigate the reason? You could ask the senders of 
those mails for copies from their "Sent mail" dir and diff against what devl 
It would be good to fix this: Invalid signatures happening frequently teaches 
people to ignore it.

- Anyone who is not signing their mails yet should please start doing so.
The same applies to Git commits.

hopstolive  (keyword for Ians spam filter)

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

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