On Sun, Oct 20, 2002 at 10:42:30PM +0200, Oskar Sandberg wrote:
> Neither have I argued against deadlines - I am simply saying that the 
> deadlines ought to be about things we can control. I'm saying, go ahead 
> and test the current cvs, configure the installers, and make a package 
> that will be our release. But then we first release it as a candidate 
> and give it a few days (I said a week, but I'm not going to argue about 
> two days here or there) to see if any issues arrise. Then take that 
> exact package, changing absolutely nothing but the name, and make it the 
> release. There is still a deadline: get the release package together. 
> Test it for a week.

We have been doing this, that is what the pre-releases were.  If there
are no show-stoppers in the current pre-release, we can use that.  I was
informed by Matthew that there, in fact, were no show-stoppers in the
current release.  If there are, we fix them, release pre8 or whatever it
is, test it to death for a few days (my suggestion was 5).

> What is the worst thing that can happen using this strategy? That 
> critical bugs are found in the candidate and we are delayed. But what 
> would happen under the exact same circumstances if we had gone directly 
> to release instead? Well, then we would have released code with a 
> show-stopper bug in it as our high profile release. 

The problem is that one person's minor irritation is another person's
critical bug - and debating which is which would merely serve to delay
the release further.

> You are right about one thing though, which is that these arguments
> waste time better spent elsewhere, so I'm not going to get into the the
> whole point by point back and forth


> (though I have to comment that if
> you remember our previous releases as smooth, I envy your selective
> memory.)

I never said those releases were bug-free, merely that your release 
strategy wouldn't have made any difference.

> I'm just going to remind you who it is here that is on the side
> of one in a dispute of ~twenty...

Not to disparage your rhetorical abilities, but trust me, arguing in
favor of delaying a release before an audience of developers is like
arguing in favor of free bananas before an audience of monkeys.

Unfortunately I don't have the luxury of playing to the peanut gallery
all the time as you do, somebody has to make the unpopular decisions.


Ian Clarke                ian@[freenetproject.org|locut.us|cematics.com]
Latest Project                                 http://cematics.com/kanzi
Personal Homepage                                       http://locut.us/
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