I've been getting lots of RNFs accompanied by my favorite Freenet error

 Attempts were made to contact 0 nodes.

    * 0 were totally unreachable.
    * 0 restarted.
    * 0 cleanly rejected. 

The network load servlet says:

    * entries: 50
    * globalRequestsPerHour: 4426.84
    * localRequestsPerHour: 3499.1343

which is certainly abnormally high.  The node ref status page says:

  Number of node references: 19
  Contacted node references: 18
  Backed off node references: 9
  Total Trials: 149542
  Total Successes: 77448

Which is WAY abnormal -- I usually have at least 80 node references.  I
think Freenet's spiraling downward: nodes are overloaded, so requests
time out, so Fred drops node references, meaning it has fewer from which
to choose, meaning those fewer get even *more* overloaded, ....

That's on my Linux node.  On my OpenBSD node, I just updated CVS
(rel-0-5-0) and restarted.  The load is at 100% (pretty much immediately).
The node ref status page says:

  Number of node references: 32
  Contacted node references: 32
  Backed off node references: 10
  Total Trials: 963
  Total Successes: 296

Again, this is unhealthy.

Greg Wooledge                  |   "Truth belongs to everybody."
greg at wooledge.org              |    - The Red Hot Chili Peppers
http://wooledge.org/~greg/     |
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