[Naive suggestion enclosed...]

I've been reading through the various posts that postulate the recent
freenet slowdown is due to transient nodes. As far as I understand things,
transient nodes are essentially 'parasites' living off the network without
giving anything back.

Here's my latest silly idea....
-Give all those transient nodes a dyndns style address, possibly using
something like http://gnudip2.sourceforge.net/, or automatically signing
them up to dyndns if they're amenable. Some users wont be able to access the
service (china etc), so in those situations the node uses it's actual IP.
Those nodes that can access the dyndns-esque server use the assigned domain
name & update regularly.

-If the node is transient, and it does not have a dyndns address, it should
act like a normal transient node, if it's got a dyndns type address then the
node should be permanent.

Obviously those transient nodes will disappear regularly, so to get around
that, (this is a messy solution I admit), make the connection timeout short
(~2seconds perhaps?), references that get timed out like that should be
ignored for an hour or so.

Please feel free to shoot this down, but I'd be curious to find out why it's
a bad idea (feel free to limit the list of reasons why it's silly to 15 or


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