On Sun, Jan 26, 2003 at 01:00:01PM -0500, Gianni Johansson wrote:
> On Saturday 25 January 2003 22:49, you wrote:
> > > length 7.4M
> > > elapsed time: 37 minutes
> > > end to end transfer rate: 7.4M * (1024K/M)  / (37 min * (60sec/min) ) ~=
> > >    3.4k/sec
> > >
> > > It took one minute to find the SplitFile metadata and somewhat less than
> > > 2 minutes to decode.
> > >
> > > Discounting that ~= 3.7k/sec raw transfer.
> > >
> > > How many threads do you use to get 30k/sec?
> >
> > The default.  Perhaps the initial retrieval time is more significant
> > with a smaller file (the one I downloaded was ~200MB).  I will do some
> > more tests.
> >
> I think the larger issue is that you are comparing a download of a file that 
> is well known and often requested to one that is relatively unknown.
> If you want to do streaming you have to be able to get the *unknown* file at 
> a reasonable transfer rate.  
This is an excellent point. However, the stream would surely be inserted
at a reasonable HTL? Propagation shouldn't affect bandwidth once we have
started a transfer, so it all comes down to how much parallelism we can
use... which depends on the length of the buffer, and the number of FEC
chunks each block is divided into...
> I would be very interested in seeing the results of your experiments.
> --gj
> > Ian.

Matthew Toseland
toad at amphibian.dyndns.org/amphibian at users.sourceforge.net
Full time freenet hacker.
Freenet Distribution Node (temporary) at 
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