On Sunday 26 January 2003 13:51, you wrote:

> > > > Well, I thought you were worried about something running in Fred's JVM
> > > by default.
> >
> > When you next talk to the press and mention Freenet as a replacement for
> > internet radio (which it is not), everyone will turn it on and try to run
> > it for a while until the network collapses.
> More groundless pessimism.  You have no evidence that Freenet could not
> deliver an FM quality stream - in fact, we have seen indications that it
> can, and things are only likely to get better as the network improves.

I am not saying that it will never be possible, it's just not a reasonable 
thing to encourage people to do now given the current state of the network.  
If fish wants to work on this that's great.   

Freenet is better than internet radio.  You should be able to write a client 
that prefetches and concatenates files from a dynamic playlist and presents 
them over HTTP. That would play to Freenet's strength's much more than 
encouraging people to re-insert the same data over and over via "streaming 
insert clients".

> > You don't want fred to have to compete with code that is running
> > continuous FEC decoding in the same JVM.   Perhaps your machine is so
> > powerful that you haven't noticed, but we can't get fred to run with
> > reasonable CPU usage *all by itself*.
If you really care so passionately about "streaming", what about doing some 
work to figure out what's going on with CPU usage? 

[point for point rehashing of take no hostages comp sci debate on stability 
and encapsulation verses efficiency omitted. ]

I don't appreciate your  tone and ad hominum attacks.  
I have limited time to devote to this project and the amount that I would 
waste engaging in this kind of debate is directly subtracted from it.  So I 
refuse. Declare utter total and devestating victory if you will.  I have code 
to write...

> > 2)If all requests go over FCP fred can better defend itself from 
> >clients that  make unreasonable requests.
> Again, this is a meaningless statement.  We can't actively prevent 
> people from running one client or another with their own node (hey, 
> maybe with Palladium we could...?!).
All I meant is that when the FCP server is overwhelmed, it can stop answering 


Fish, I am not out to get you.  Testing in fred's JVM is fine.  As far as 
widespread deployment goes I guess we will cross that bridge when we get to 

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