Dave Hooper schrieb:
> > As I interpret the source in CVS, the option
> >
> > Classpath Extra=C:\foo\bar.jar
> >
> > should add C:\foo\bar.jar to the class path.
> It should, yes.

Seems that I had to dig out my VC++ 6.0 CDs again...

Opened the project, compiled it, copied FLaunch.ini into Debug\ and
stepped it through. All the GetPrivate... worked, except the one with
Classpath Extra that always returned "".

Hmm, what is different at that one? After a fre minutes I saw the number
65536. Hmm, is WinME 32-bit safe, I thought (I guess oyu know that
stories with 16-bit handles in 32-bit variables). Changed the value to
65535, recompiled (why must that f*cking winCVS write protect all the
files...), and it worked.

if you know more 65536ers, (I did not want to check all the other
constants), you might fix them as well



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