I am not sure that we could safely allow a get file closest to 
this key command... it might allow some kinds of probing/mapping that
might lead to attacks we would want to avoid. On the other hand, it is
an interesting idea.

On Sat, May 03, 2003 at 12:11:10PM -0400, Edward J. Huff wrote:
> I suppose maybe this belongs on the TECH list, but that list 
> seems to have nothing but spam, while this list doesn't.
> Also, this idea addresses the node specialization problem by
> separating the routing problem from the defense against attack
> on specific content.  The defense problem is moved out of the
> freenet protocol to the application, removing some constraints
> and making it easier to solve the routing problem.
> I would like to propose a different approach to protecting against
> attack on content.
> It seems to me that any node in the U.S. can be forced to reject
> requests for any specific CHK and refuse to cache that CHK, if
> the copyright owner files a DMCA document demanding that action.
> If the node operator does not comply, the node gets shut down 
> by the ISP, who wants to stay in business.  The argument that
> requesting the CHK causes it to move to the node fails:  all
> freenet nodes can be regarded as holding all CHK's, and if a
> copyright owner can find out the CHK of his content, he can
> insist that all freenet nodes in the U.S. must refuse to
> deliver that CHK to other nodes, and shut down all of them 
> which fail to comply.
> But it doesn't have to be that way.  Suppose when you want to
> place content into Freenet, you always pad the content to a
> standard length, and calculate a whole separate file of 
> random bits of the same length.
> Also, you fetch a bunch of randomly chosen existing files
> of that same length, by creating a random Freenet key and
> sending a (new) protocol request for the file with the closest
> key encountered in the specified HTL.  You choose random 
> symmetric keys and encrypt some of the existing files.
> Then you XOR the padded content, the file of random bits, 
> and the encrypted existing files.  Then encrypt the result, 
> and insert the new random file, the encrypted existing files,
> and the encrypted result as CHKs.
> Separately (and later), a formula for calculating the content
> is circulated among all of the nodes.  This formula is tiny 
> compared to the content.  It is a different type of freenet
> key, where the key represents some specific content, and the
> value is the formula for the content.  Instead of requesting
> these keys, nodes listen for them.
> This has several advantages:
> (1) Inserting the encrypted existing files results in
> redundant storage of that information on different nodes.
> If it is known which content the files originally contributed
> to, new formulas for that content can be posted.  Anyone
> attacking the content is always a day behind.
> (2) It can be hard to say which of the files are new and which
> derived from existing files, especially if the delay between
> release of the files and release of the formula for the content
> is random and long enough for other content to use the newly
> created files.
> (3) Using some existing files without change in the formula 
> for new content will tend to cause any given file on Freenet 
> to be referenced in the formulas for many completely independent 
> sets of content.  Using re-encrypted files while issuing 
> revised formulas for the existing content which used the files
> also has this effect:  the re-encrypted files are referenced
> in many independent sets of content.
> (4) There is now no reason to worry about attacks on particular
> freenet keys, so routing can be done in the most efficient manner.
> ---
> This approach amounts to an almost magical method of compressing
> arbitrary data into quite small files.  It works so long as CHK
> collisions do not occur.  The random data stored under a CHK is
> essentially compressed to the size of the CHK.  The probability 
> of CHK collisions is no doubt a little higher, and maybe the hash 
> would need to be longer.
> All nodes are continually requesting random CHK's for use in 
> encoding new content or decoding existing content, who is to 
> say which?  When the nodes emit new files which are nothing 
> but encrypted versions of existing files, they are preserving 
> existing content by creating a new formula for it, but they also 
> might be inserting new content.  When the node happens to know
> the formula for some content it needs, it fetches the necessary
> CHK's along with many others, and pulls the content out.  No
> observer can tell when it does this.  It also puts the content
> back into Freenet under a different formula.
> Because nodes do not request specific content, but only monitor
> the formula stream for the named content they want, a DMCA
> attack is not possible.  By the time the content owner discovers
> which CHK's are needed to construct his content, a completely
> different set of CHK's are in use holding it.  He cannot prove
> that any particular node is refusing to filter out his content,
> because he cannot request it.  
> Well, nodes will have to accept his requests to filter out 
> certain formula keys.  First, the owner has to find out a 
> key which represents a formula for his content.  Then he has 
> to fetch the content and verify that the key works.  Then he 
> can interdict that key.  But by then, there is a different 
> key and a different formula.  He can never interdict the 
> actual large datafiles, because they are used for so many 
> other purposes.
> -- Ed Huff
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