>Look, here is the error page I designed:
>CHK at rezQpBUr-jVz0yZk9irdHlRxj8wLAwI,5saIJgsNIYQhIPa6rGYFow/dnf.html
>Major changes:
>- no clutter: 7 KiB => 1 KiB
>- Spaces => Tabs
>- no tables, images, gifs
>- no connections to FProxy
>- transitional => valid HTML 4.01 STRICT
>- address of DTD is specified
>- &try= => %26try=
>- using <label>
>Naturally, you can still apply some CSS properties if you like. A little
>bit of color, another font-family, ...

i just don't know why i did it, but i felt the urge to make up a dnf site on my 
own, you can have a look at it in the attached file (it does not connect to 
anything, so there's no need to upload it to freenet)

changes to the original design (mostly in conjunction to jnk):
- 1877 bytes
- tables! ;)
- no images/gifs
- no connections to fproxy at all
- transitional and adresss specified
- some small css to spice it up
- clean and slick look, scales well when embedded within iframes
- most displays taken from original fproxy
- title now says: "Couldn't Retrieve Key: Data Not Found"
- has refresh metatag (will recheck after 20 secs)

can be (size-) optimized more, such as
- space->tab or get rid of them completely
- replace some css with <i> or <b>
but the main advantage is not the size, but the fact that no more files are 
requested for rendering

what do you think about the layout? :)

the problem is of course, that it is not corporate design, but perhaps it's 
time for the aqua theme to be replaced (maybe by the new website layout?) 
personally i just don't like the aqua theme because it's too clumsy and way 

btw - don't wonder, my normal email address has currently some problems :-/

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