toad <toad at ...> writes:

> With very little exception, 0.7 darknet operators are bloody fast with
> the 'remove reference' command.

Ubernodes don't do that at all. I waited at least for 3 or 4 weeks before they
were removed. Other nodes did it not at all. ubernode had its ranking system to
encourage people. The small nodes remove the peers fast, why?

Well I told it once or twice in the past. If I want to play a game, I have to
shut down freenet. Most people shut down their system everyday, at least during
the night. 

I would say an average using time per day is maybe 6 to 12 hours. (average,
there are more extreme values). This is quite exactly what I experienced. around
20% were 24/7 nodes, arbout 50% are online every day, but only a few hours, and
the rest is Online from time to time (on weekends for example)

I know... encourage people to run it all day. well, you want only to connect to
friends, and those friends should be on 24/7. Realistic? NO... don't know what
friends YOU have.

> I stopped looking for refs in IRC because of the attitude that if I
> wasn't going to be up and running 24/7
Sorry for beeing a bit cynic, but its the same for months.

> then they didn't want to bother at all.  These people, and most other
> 0.7 operators that I've peered with
> in the last four months have exhibited a similar 'fast draw' tendency.


> maybe you might be able to build something good.  Add open net and
> hybrid nodes to that and you'll really
> be cooking with gas.

thank you so much.

> He has a point about fast removal of nodes. Please folks, give a node a
> chance before you summarily terminate it!

Add Opennet

> Maybe the problem is the warning we put up against ubernodes. 
No. How should you know how long you should wait? 1 day? 1 week? 1 month? those
people dont know each other. They dont even have their email adress... if the go
offline too long, they will be removed. I got at least one notice (plz dont
remove, I am on holiday for 3 weeks) well. Now you can at least add a note to
the node, but when this happend I had to remember. If I want 10 connection all
the time, you need at least 25 nodes... or the 24/7 nodes. yeah but you say dont
remove the others, but the same time you tell them seek for 24/7 nodes. You see
the problem? Or should I give you a reference to yourself what you told us in
the past weeks.

> We put that in, not because disconnected nodes suck massive amounts of
> bandwidth or CPU (they don't),

well you use quite a lot bandwith (if you dont just listen only) compared to the
data you send. the bandwith usage still sucks :P not only download. I cant send
either at a decent speed. 0.5 used a lot more... still not much, but MORE.

> but because ubernodes are bad
thats why you should add Opennet

> because adding everyone on the IRC channel without asking them to add
> you is bad. 
thats why you should add Opennet

>We should change the message to reflect this.
No, thats why you should add Opennet 

you have the same attitude as the users kicking transient nodes. You cultivate
this manners, don't be surprised if this knocks you back.

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