This is a sad day, not only becuse that you have to leave but because
how the world works today.
I really can't do more than to thank you for your time and hope that
there will be A day,
"The" day when you (and unfourtunateley, a lot of others can rejoin) , I
say unfortunateley because
I am afraid there will be alot more people that will loose there right of
free speech
with the new laws spreading through the world.

Thanx again for your time and until I see your bits and bytes again I can
only say, Hope too see ya.

***Yeah, I had a few (or more) beers before I wrote this so I hope all
the readers get what I mean.
***If Not, I think the world is stupid when things like this happens.

Now I have to post this message or I will go on editing forever.

Have fun with whatever you decide to do with your life.


  ----- Original Message -----
  From: "Julien Cornuwel"
  To: devl at
  Subject: [freenet-dev] Bye folks
  Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2008 21:47:10 +0100


  I'm sorry to tell you that for some legal reasons (I live in France),
  have to stop working on Freenet. I've learned a lot with you guys and
  I'm sad to have to say goodbye, but that's how it is when you live in
  so-called democracy...

  I'm sure pOs will be able to finish the WoT plugin and make something
  usable with it.
  Dieppe is OK to continue the french translation.
  Nextgens has already removed my mirror from the DNS.
  I'm still looking for a server to host the french forum (punbb). It
  a very low traffic (about 10 messages per week).

  Please revoke all my accesses to emu (shell, svn, email), remove my
  from the People page and remove my node from the freenode list.

  Keep up the good work guys !
  << signature.asc >>

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  Devl at

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