Ed Tomlinson a ?crit :
> On December 27, 2008, Julien Cornuwel wrote:
>> I'm sorry to tell you that for some legal reasons (I live in France), I
>> have to stop working on Freenet. I've learned a lot with you guys and
>> I'm sad to have to say goodbye, but that's how it is when you live in a
>> so-called democracy...
> Julien,
> IF you can be more specific it probably would be of interest to all of us on 
> this 
> list.

Well, it isn't new stuff but France has a copyright law (DADVSI) which
is vague enough to be used against people who work on P2P softwares.

In any case, it is the judge's job to tell if you are guilty or not, and
I might won such a trial. But the judgement can be very long (up to
several years) and, in the meantime, they have the right to seize your
computers and every servers you rent in France, even if they are not
related to the project.

I didn't care about that until very recently but my situation is
changing and I can't take that risk anymore : servers I rent are soon to
be my only revenue stream.

More information about DADVSI (in english) :

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