On Sunday 05 April 2009 15:55:38 Daniel Cheng wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 5:03 AM, Matthew Toseland
> <toad at amphibian.dyndns.org> wrote:
> > On Thursday 02 April 2009 19:09:14 Ian Clarke wrote:
> >> Whichever source control system we switch to, I propose that we outsource
> >> the repository hosting. ?For example, if its git, we should use github.
> >>
> >> Reasons:
> >>
> >> - At least in the case of github, it will be free
> >> - We don't have to worry about setting up and administering the 
> >> - Services like github have a lot of other useful add-ons like a nice web
> >> interface to the repository
> >> - Because of how git works, we can trivially migrate the repository
> >> elsewhere if there is a problem
> >>
> >> Anyone disagree? ?If so, why?
> >
> > IMHO hosting git (or hg) externally makes sense, for the reasons given and 
> > other reasons. Caveats relate to binaries/workflow:
> >
> > Stable builds: A trusted developer should review changes (from the 
> > and not from the cvs list), create a tag and sign it, and then, on his own
> > computer, build the binaries and source tarballs for that build, and 
> > them to our web hosting and to Freenet.
> >
> > Testing builds: We may or may not continue to provide testing builds. If 
we do
> > they should be an unofficial service, auto-built but should automatically
> > shut down if critical files (e.g. build.xml) are modified.
> What if the junit are modified? junit are run on the sever as well

Good point. :(
> Building untrusted binaries is not really impossible --
> I have known some people running public build service with sandbox
> for long. But these kind of service have high maintenance cost ...

Well, no sandbox is perfect, and right now unit test changes are not so 
> > The above is close to what we do now, but Done Right. In the long term we 
> > end up with a more distributed workflow, but it depends on what people 
> > how it works out in practice; if I get a pseudonymous user asking me to 
> > his in-Freenet repo (branch), I would certainly have a look!
> >>
> >> Ian.
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