On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 3:27 PM, Matthew
Toseland<toad at amphibian.dyndns.org> wrote:
>> - A few specific bugs: 3295 (percent encoding is horribly,
>> embarrassingly broken -- in at least 5 different ways), 2931 (split
>> blocks evenly between splitfile segments -- should help dramatically
>> with availability), fixing top block healing on splitfiles (discussed
>> in 3358).
> Skeptical on priority re 3295, but I guess I should look into it. IMHO it is 
> critical that the top block be redundant, hence MHKs. Dunno re relative 
> priority with f2f web proxy though.

I've said this before, but not yet heard a specific response, so I'll
repeat it.  On both the initial insert and later downloads we expend
more effort on the redundant information than the non-redundant
information; this is silly and should be fixed, whether or not we
implement MHKs.  We don't know how big a problem non-redundant top
blocks would be if we fixed this discrepancy.  It would be premature
to implement a new keytype before we knew whether that change plus a
more aggressive insert on the initial insert solved the problem
completely, partially, or not at all (my personal bet would be on
"almost but not quite completely").  Deciding to implement MHKs
without being able to answer this question would be pure alchemy.

Evan Daniel

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