On Sat, 8 Aug 2009 03:04:31 +0200
Cl?ment <cvollet at gmail.com> wrote:

> Le vendredi 07 ao?t 2009 00:38:50, Matthew Toseland a ?crit :
> > On Thursday 06 August 2009 22:18:59 Cl?ment wrote:
> > > Le jeudi 06 ao?t 2009 21:27:41, Matthew Toseland a ?crit :
> > > > On Thursday 06 August 2009 16:33:04 Evan Daniel wrote:
> > > > > On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 8:09 AM, Matthew
> > > > >
> > > > > Toseland<toad at amphibian.dyndns.org> wrote:
> > > > > > I propose that as a darknet value-add, and as an additional tool
> > > > > > for those in hostile regimes who have friends on the outside, we
> > > > > > implement a web-proxy-over-your-darknet-peers option. Your Friends
> > > > > > would announce whether they are willing to proxy for you, and you
> > > > > > could choose which friends to use, or allow it to use all of them
> > > > > > (assuming people on the inside don't offer). You could then
> > > > > > configure your browser to use Freenet as a proxy. This would not
> > > > > > provide any anonymity but it would get you past network obstacles
> > > > > > and/or out of Bad Place and into Happy Place. It's not a long term
> > > > > > solution, but: - We have expended considerable effort on making
> > > > > > darknet viable: IP detection, ARKs etc. - It could take advantage
> > > > > > of future transport plugins, but even before that, FNP 0.7 is quite
> > > > > > hard to block. - Many people are in this situation.
> > > > > > - It is easy to implement. HTTP is complex but cache-less proxies
> > > > > > can be very simple. - It could be combined with longer term
> > > > > > measures (growing the internal darknet), and just work for as long
> > > > > > as it works. Most likely it would be throttled rather than blocked
> > > > > > outright to start with, hopefully allowing for a smooth-ish
> > > > > > migration of users to more robust mechanisms... - We could allow
> > > > > > recursive proxying to some depth - maybe friend of a friend. This
> > > > > > would provide a further incentive to grow the internal darknet,
> > > > > > which is what we want. - The classic problem with proxies is that
> > > > > > they are rare so hundreds of people connect to them, and the
> > > > > > government finds out and blocks them. This does not apply here.
> > > > >
> > > > > I like it.  Darknet features are a very good thing.  This probably
> > > > > also needs some care wrt bandwidth management (related to 3334 --
> > > > > similar considerations probably apply).
> > > > >
> > > > > However, as I mentioned on IRC, there are several things I think
> > > > > should be higher priority.  Of course, I'm not the one implementing
> > > > > any of this, but here's my opinion anyway ;)  In no particular order:
> > > > >
> > > > > - Documentation!  Both the plugins api and making sure that the FCP
> > > > > docs on the wiki are current and correct.
> > > >
> > > > I will try to spend some time on this soon...
> > > >
> > > > > - Bloom filter sharing.  (Probably? I have no idea what the relative
> > > > > work required is for these two.)
> > > >
> > > > Agreed, this is a big one.
> > > >
> > > > > - Freetalk and a blogging app of some sort (though these are probably
> > > > > mostly for someone other than toad?).
> > > >
> > > > There are a number of things I can do to help p0s.
> > > >
> > > > > - A few specific bugs: 3295 (percent encoding is horribly,
> > > > > embarrassingly broken -- in at least 5 different ways), 2931 (split
> > > > > blocks evenly between splitfile segments -- should help dramatically
> > > > > with availability), fixing top block healing on splitfiles (discussed
> > > > > in 3358).
> > > >
> > > > Skeptical on priority re 3295, but I guess I should look into it. IMHO
> > > > it is critical that the top block be redundant, hence MHKs. Dunno re
> > > > relative priority with f2f web proxy though.
> > > >
> > > > > - Low-latency inserts flag as per 3338.  (I know, most people
> > > > > probably don't care all that much, but I'd really like to see whether
> > > > > Freenet can hit near-real-time latencies for the messaging app I'm
> > > > > working on.)
> > > > >
> > > > > Also, it's worth considering other ways to make darknet connections
> > > > > more useful (in addition to this, whether before or after I don't
> > > > > have a strong opinion on).  Enabling direct transfer of large files
> > > > > would be good (at a bare minimum, this shouldn't fail silently like
> > > > > it does right now).
> > > >
> > > > ljb is working on this as we speak. The problem is simply persistence -
> > > > if the node restarts before you accept the transfer, it will break. But
> > > > he will do some improvements to the UI as well e.g. showing the
> > > > transfers on the downloads page.
> > > >
> > > > > Improving messaging would be good; I should be able to
> > > > > see recently sent / received messages (including timestamps), queue a
> > > > > message to be sent when a peer comes online, and tell whether a
> > > > > message I've sent arrived successfully.
> > > >
> > > > I think most of this is within ljb's remit? ljb? vive?
> > > >
> > > > > Evan Daniel
> > >
> > > Is there any defined roadmap for 0.8 yet ? If not, it might be good to
> > > clear things up, and decides which features are must have and which
> > > aren't. For instance, a F2F proxy is a great idea, but it's another
> > > feature plan on top of an already good filled list. It gives the
> > > impression of unconsistency (I said "impression" ;) )
> >
> > Well, it is low cost and high impact IMHO...
> >
> RIght.
> > > (Also, I'm not on irc since a while, so I don't know what's really
> > > happening, so if this question has already been answered, just ignore me
> > > :) )
> >
> > Okay, this is my current view, but other people may have different views...
> >
> > What is definitely in: (I will be very unhappy about releasing if these are
> > not resolved) - Work so far.
> > - Bloom filter sharing.
> > - Freetalk and/or WoT. I will assist p0s to break any blockages, but at the
> > moment it is still essentially his project. - Workarounds for the recent
> > AES issues.
> > - Means to download the latest installer from a Freenet node.
> >
> > What is definitely out: (postponed to 0.9 or later)
> > - Transport plugins.
> > - Encrypted tunnels.
> > - Passive requests.
> >
> > GSoC stuff:
> > - sashee's work on dynamic UI should be part of 0.8 hopefully.
> > - mikeb's work on XMLLibrarian is already part of it to some degree, more
> > will be. - ljb's work on f2f stuff is partly merged and more will be.
> Will that be sufficient to change the friends ui ?
> I was thinking of that :
> http://doc-fr.freenetproject.org/Fproxy_mockup#My_Friends_.21
> in particular.

Adding profile information is not hard. But I don't think that it is a
good idea to let strangers see the profile, even if it can be made
optional. It is bad enough that strangers knows our IP. 

This could probably be implemented relatively quickly. I can implement
this if I have time over.

The chat functionality could be improved. At the moment when a text
message is received an UserAlert is registered. It's quite easy to let
each received text message be an event. The alert on the alerts page
could be a summary of all sent and received text messages. I can also
implement this if I have time over.

It's less than two week left of GSoC. However I can always implement
this after GSoC. It is a day or two of days of work at most.

> And, if not, wouldn't worth it to put that in the feature list for 0.8, since 
> I think it would be rather high impact (facebook is the 4th world most 
> visited 
> site (when is not DOSed ;) )). I don't know how much work it would need, but 
> I 
> don't think it requires network-level changes (maybe a few rework on N2N? ).
> > - kurmi's work so far on filters (BMP, new CSS, ATOM, ...) will be merged,
> > and hopefully there will be more. - infinity0's work on distributed
> > searching is probably longer-term.
> >
> > What will hopefully be in:
> > - Better segment splitting.
> > - Opennet peers limit scaling by bandwidth.
> > - MHKs (redundant top block).
> > - Trivial plugin update over Freenet.
> > - System tray icon for Win, Mac and Linux (native, native, java,
> > respectively; I would have to implement the last one but have example code
> > to base it on). - Various minor UI stuff.
> > - LOTS OF BUG FIXES, especially in db4o and the connection layer.
> >
> > What might be in:
> > - Means to prioritise a single node (e.g. a darknet peer on a low bandwidth
> > connection). - Ogg vorbis/theora filtering and embedding support.
> > - Easy freesite upload wizard plugin. If not, seriously consider bundling
> > jSite. - Easy blog creator plugin. If not, seriously consider bundling
> > Thingamablog. - Revocable SSKs.
> > - Proxy over darknet peers.
> > - saces' multi-container freesite insertion code. This works but needs
> > debugging, de-leaking etc. - Low profile/pause mode.
> > - Better USKs (e.g. hierarchical DBR hints).
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