Hi guys,

as you might know I am a student of computer science. I'll have to write a
bachelor thesis within the next year so I decided that I will apply for
Freetalk/WoT being the subject of my bachelor thesis. I guess I won't have
to ask you guys whether you are fine with this - it will gurantee you that I
finish Freetalk/WoT.

I'll have a talk with the guys at university about that today or so. As
Freetalk/WoT are  complex projects I'm quite sure that they will accept them
as my bachelor thesis.

What you would have to do to help me as I guess are the following:
- Phone with the guys at my university about it
- Give them proof that all code I have commited yet and I will commit in the
future was commited by my. I suppose this is a matter of emailing them my
SVN commit history and give them a written insurance that it is really my

I will tell you whether they will accept it and what else is necessary.
Toad or Ian, I suppose it would be nice if I could phone call one one of you
from university together with the guy who will supervise the project so you
can answer some of his questions. Toad I suppose your phone number on
amphibian.dyndns.org is still correct? Are you okay with a call?

Greetings, xor

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