2008/12/31 Matthew Toseland <toad at amphibian.dyndns.org>:
> Various users complained about Freenet adding a user to run under. But I
> really don't see what we could do differently... one user said it changed the
> login screen for XP, I've heard this before too, it may be that there is no
> solution. :|

IMHO this is yet another example of us trying to crow-bar third-party
software into behaving in a way that its not really designed to
behave, for (often dubious) reasons of "security".  The result is that
we waste a lot of dev time kludging 3rd party software, we inevitably
piss off users who don't like it when software does this type of
thing, and the benefit is questionable.

We should ensure that Freenet is secure, but if we make it our problem
to ensure that every tool that might be used in conjunction with
Freenet is also secure, then we and our users are in for a world of

> "Difficult to understand how to execute on macs."

True, Mac users have different expectations for how software is
installed - for example most Mac apps are installed by dragging the
application from a DMG virtual disk to their Applications folder.  The
app then does one-time configuration stuff the first time its run.
Any Mac devs out there interested in packaging Freenet for the Mac?


Ian Clarke
CEO, Uprizer Labs
Email: ian at uprizer.com
Ph: +1 512 422 3588
Fax: +1 512 276 6674

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