2008/12/31 Matthew Toseland <toad at amphibian.dyndns.org>:
> #1: 41 votes : release the 20 nodes barrier
> "most of the users nowadays have a lot of upload-bandwith available. Myself
> has about 3Mbits upload, but the limit to connect to not more than 20 nodes
> results in about 50kb/s max. Please release the limit or use a dynamic system
> that offers more connections if the node has a high bandwith upload limit
> (scaling). Thx"
> I'm not sure what to do about this. The original rationale for the 20 peers
> limit was that we didn't want to disadvantage darknet nodes too much on a
> hybrid network, since they will not often have large numbers of peers.
> Combined with experience on 0.5 suggesting that more peers is not always
> better, a security concern over over-reliance on ubernodes, and the fact that
> we should eventually be able to improve bandwidth usage through better load
> management. However, there's a limit to what we are able to achieve through
> better load management, and it's a difficult problem.
> Thoughts?

I'd say lets raise the threshold, perhaps to 40.  The arguments
against it seem a bit handwavey to justify denying functionality that
our user's clearly want.  Upload bandwidth is the life-blood of P2P
networks, we should use every scrap of it we can get.

> #2: 38 votes : one GUI for all
> "For new (non-technical) users it may be very difficult to understand what
> they really need, how to do it and how to use it.
> The entry point of an application plus its visible style, the user interface
> aso. are playing the biggest role for acceptance nowadays.
> Therefore there may be the need of a GUI (I imagine one written in XUL, so it
> runs on all plattforms, easily extensible, aso., we are already using a
> custom firefox profile so why don't write our own user interface?) that
> provides all mechanisms that are available throughout the freenet network.
> File sharing, messaging, flogs, identity management and others."
> IMHO part of this is simply an endorsement of the current not yet implemented
> policy to move everything possible into the web interface. A well designed
> web interface could be easy to use and responsive. There is an argument that
> we need an actual XUL app ... but this will be a huge amount of work to
> little benefit IMHO.

True, I'd mark this one as "Planned".  This is good as its a nice
visible demonstration that we are listening to our users.

> #3 tied: 33 votes : show a progress screen when loading a page (Filed by me)
> "Is this a good idea? Would it make Freenet more user friendly if it didn't go
> off into limbo while loading a link?"
> This is planned. IMHO we should implement it before releasing 0.8.0, it would
> be a significant enhancement even without real time updates with javascript
> support, provided it is not shown unless we have reason to believe the
> download will take more than 5 seconds. It is especially interesting if
> combined with some new content filters for e.g. audio files.

Agreed, it would also solve (or alleviate) the browser connection
limit problem, which would be great.

> #3 tied: 33 votes : dynamic pages
> "I would like to see the ability to host dynamicly changing pages in freenet,
> I have tried to implement it myself and found it verry hard. Possibly
> integration with apache would be perfect."
> This may happen eventually, but probably post 1.0. Sandboxed plugins are
> probably the best approach, but even with a defined API and sandboxing, there
> are a lot of security issues innate in Freenet itself e.g. timing attacks on
> the datastore.

Yes, this is very hard.

> #3 tied: 33 votes : add a 'pause' feature
> "It would be cool if it was possible to 'pause' a freenet node. I mean, stop
> all network traffic, warn peers that we are on pause, but keep the node
> alive.
> That would allow short downtimes for online gaming without the hassle of
> having to restart the node and wait for it becoming usable again."
> IMHO offline mode is a good idea, especially when combined with a systray 
> icon. It would also help with e.g. connections that are throttled or billed
> severely at certain times of day.

Agreed, we should mark it as planned and transfer to Mantis.


Ian Clarke
CEO, Uprizer Labs
Email: ian at uprizer.com
Ph: +1 512 422 3588
Fax: +1 512 276 6674

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