Matthew Toseland skrev:
> On Thursday 18 December 2008 13:18, Zero3 wrote:
>> Matthew Toseland skrev:
>>>> On top of my head:
>>>> - Cleaner code
>>>> - Proper detection of FireFox location
>>> We don't already have that? We check the registry etc ...
>> Atm. we check for FF in 
>> "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App 
>> Paths\firefox.exe" (Used for various things like the "Run" dialog and 
>> loading common .dlls without knowing the full path) instead of the 
>> official "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox\3.0.4 
>> (da)\Main\PathToExe" (On my system, version and locale string is fetched 
>> from "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mozilla\Mozilla 
>> Firefox\CurrentVersion"). It's not really wrong as we do it now, but we 
>> really should check the official key and eventually fall back to App 
>> Path (or path to http protocol handler application, or default install dir).
> That's easy enough to fix within browse.cmd. Although checking specific 
> version numbers really sucks - CurrentVersion is obviously better.
> You want to just do it or file a bug?

What I meant is that there is a string telling us the version number, 
which is then appended to the path to get the final path for the 
currently installed version . It's piece of cake in decent programming 
languages, but stupid to do in batch files (probably why it wasn't done 
in the first place, really).

>>>> - profiles.ini watchdog thingy
>>> I had figured we'd implement this in java and start it when launching the 
>>> browser. Then we solve it for non-Windows as well. Our last report was on 
>>> Debian.
>> Sure thing! I simply figured nobody had the time so I thought I might as 
>> well do what I could.
> This is true, sadly. But we do need a fix for non-Windows too. And if it's 
> written in java it's easier to maintain.

I agree! Up to you guys...

>>>> - Check if node is running before launching FF (and if not, start or 
>>>> inform user in a GUI message box) (and if needed, shutdown node 
>>>> afterwards as well)
>>> Not possible, as we've discussed.
>> It is not? We should be able to check if a system service is running 
>> even as a low-access user, and if not, at least warn about it (instead 
>> of failing miserably with a "server not found" error in FF).
> Granted we could warn the user yes.

Relatively simply to do in a launcher and simple message boxes / etc.

>> We most likely cannot comply with the EULA though:
>> "1.    GRANT OF LICENSE.  Provided that you comply with all terms and 
>> conditions of this EULA, Microsoft grants you a personal, nonexclusive, 
>> royalty-free license to install and use the Software.  You may install 
>> and use the Software on an unlimited number of computers so long as you 
>> are the only individual or entity using the Software."
> Hmmm, curious, given the multi-user UI optimisations in Windows XP ...

You can probably find loads of those kind of contradictions in 
Microsoft's licenses :-/

- Zero3

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