Juiceman skrev:
> Here is a patch for a new version of the Windows update script.
> Please commit since that svn directory is restricted.  I've tested it
> extensively on my XP machine.
> This should handle the new installer start/stop.exe while still being
> compatible with current installs.  It will need to be made to handle
> the new node service ID the new installer creates.
> It also still needs some Vista functionality.

Nice. Are you trying to make it work on both new and old installs at the 
same time in the end then? Regarding start.cmd vs start.exe, I think you 
should be able to simply call "bin/start" which should make the shell 
look for .exe/.cmd/.bat/.pif/..... with that name (same for "stop" of 
course). It might be worth trying out to keep the complexity down.

"+:: FIXME  will this way of checking if the node is running work on Vista?"

I'll ask bbackde about that too, once he has replied to the mail I 
already sent him regarding UAC elevation of start.exe/stop.exe and if 
our cacls stuff work on Vista. Do we have other Vista people reading 
this (could definitely use 1-2 more Vista testers)?

"+::  FIXME   do we need a new error handling section for the new .exe?  
Will it handle errors itself?"

It will handle any error by throwing the user a messagebox describing 
the problem. I'll make it return 0 on success and something else on 
fail, in case you want to check the value. Not sure what happens if an 
UAC elevation promt is cancelled though (/me adds that to his Vista 

- Zero3

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