Matthew Toseland skrev:
> After an extensive discussion on #extdev on, I have 
> determined 
> that we could probably do what we need to do in a Firefox plugin, but it is 
> clear how or whether we could prevent normal web sites from loading freenet 
> content and timing it to determine whether the user has visited it.

Throwing in my 2 eurocents: A FireFox Add-on would absolutely rock, and 
allow a seamless transition between "The Internet and "The Freenet" 
(Only one browser, support for "freenet:" addresses, visual hints while 
browing Freenet (like privacy mode and SSL browsing), shared bookmarks 
location, support for whatever Add-ons/settings/themes/etc. the user 
also uses (having to setup 2 browsers would certainly annoy some people 
as well), ...).

Installation and updating can be managed by the node itself (FF Add-ons 
are installed and updated over HTTP). If the user visits fproxy from a 
FireFox without the Add-on, fproxy can simply offer to install it.

Only downside (IMO) is the fact that we would favor FireFox users a lot. 
I personally see FireFox as the best browser available, but still think 
we should go great lengths to support whatever the users use. If people 
really want to use something else, chances are somebody will port the 
Add-on at some point, I guess.

- Zero3

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