On Monday 19 January 2009 18:02, Zero3 wrote:
> Matthew Toseland skrev:
> > After an extensive discussion on #extdev on irc.mozilla.org, I have 
> > that we could probably do what we need to do in a Firefox plugin, but it 
> > clear how or whether we could prevent normal web sites from loading 
> > content and timing it to determine whether the user has visited it.
> >   
> Throwing in my 2 eurocents: A FireFox Add-on would absolutely rock, and 
> allow a seamless transition between "The Internet and "The Freenet" 
> (Only one browser, support for "freenet:" addresses, visual hints while 
> browing Freenet (like privacy mode and SSL browsing), shared bookmarks 
> location, support for whatever Add-ons/settings/themes/etc. the user 
> also uses (having to setup 2 browsers would certainly annoy some people 
> as well), ...).
> Installation and updating can be managed by the node itself (FF Add-ons 
> are installed and updated over HTTP). If the user visits fproxy from a 
> FireFox without the Add-on, fproxy can simply offer to install it.
> Only downside (IMO) is the fact that we would favor FireFox users a lot. 
> I personally see FireFox as the best browser available, but still think 
> we should go great lengths to support whatever the users use. If people 
> really want to use something else, chances are somebody will port the 
> Add-on at some point, I guess.

All browsers suck for our purposes: there are just too many ways to break 
security, and too many performance caveats. IMHO we have moved on from that 

The main problem with a firefox plugin/extension is that websites may be able 
to probe specific Freenet URLs, e.g. via the img src/onLoad trick, or using 
CSS link:visited, or some variation on the various port scanning exploits. 
Hence my suspicion that we may be better off with an XULRunner-based app?
> - Zero3
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