On Wednesday 28 January 2009 02:37, Zero3 wrote:
> 'ello 'ello
> Commit logs:
> - Replaced pre-patched AHK bins with patching script
> - Removed service status loop from launcher (handled by start and stop 
> scripts already)
> - Added service start/stop status splash to start and stop scripts
> - Increased service start/stop timeout to uninstaller and start and stop 
> scripts
> - Added result infomessages to start and stop scripts
> - Added /?, /silent and /verysilent command line arguments to the start 
> and stop scripts
> Or in other words:
> - The patching script now means that no part of the installer is using 
> binary data from me. All third party binaries used are well-known, 
> widely used and available to the public. Should satisfy everyone, aye?


> - start.exe and stop.exe now give visual feedback both during and after 
> doing their stuff. (Juiceman: You will need to pass /verysilent to the 
> scripts when using them from update.cmd so the infoboxes won't halt the 
> update)
> - Service management timeouts have been increased further (60 seconds 
> now) to support even slower machines.
> Latest source is in SVN, and the compiled binary at 
> http://privat.zero3.dk/FreenetInstaller.exe has been updated.
> I've also posted an announcement to the support list in the hope to 
> attract more testers.

Good luck.

This is the downloads-everything-from-emu version? Ideally we'd have a build 
flag so we can produce an "offline" installer as well, for those that need 
one, like we do with the java installer...
> - Zero3
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