Zero3 wrote:
> Luke771 skrev:
>> Attached.
>> Please commit.
> Thanks a lot!
> Do you have an e-mail or website you want listed at the top of the file 
> next to your nick?
email luke771 at gmail dot com
add that i'm the author of the FAFS website? (not really important, you 
decide if that's a good idea)
> I fixed a whole bunch of syntax errors, 
Oops. Sorry.
> but there are also a couple of 
> too long strings in your translation:
Can't help. Italian is 'longer' than English.
> 1)
> Trans_Add("Please check the following default settings before continuing 
> with the installation of Freenet.", "Si prega di controllare le seguenti 
> impostazioni di default perima di continuare con l'installazione di[*] 
> Freenet")
The only thing I can do here is to translate the string to the 
equivalent of "please check the following default settings before 
continuing", leaving out 'with the installation of freenet' (what else 
should they be continuing anyway?)
The string would become:

"Please check the following default settings before continuing 
with the installation of Freenet.", "Si prega di controllare le seguenti 
impostazioni di default prima di continuare"

> 2)
> Trans_Add("Freenet requires at least ", "Freenet necessita di almeno")
> Trans_Add(" MB free disk space, but will not install with less than ", 
> "MB di spazio disponibile su disco, ma non pu? essere installato con 
> meno di")
> Trans_Add(" MB of free space. The amount of space reserved can be changed 
> after 
> installation.", "MB a disposizione. Lo spazio su disco riservato a 
> Freenet pu? essere[*] cambiato dopo l'installazione")
Trasnlating to the equivalent of "Freenet needs"
 "  MB free on disk. The minimim required to install is"
"MB. This setting can be changed after the installation" [completes])

Trans_Add("Freenet requires at least ", "Freenet necessita di")
Trans_Add(" MB free disk space, but will not install with less than ", 
"MB liberi su disco, Minimo necessario per installare")
Trans_Add(" MB. .", "MB a disposizione. Questa impostazione pu? essere[*] 
cambiata dopo l'installazione")

> 3)
> Trans_Add("Freenet Installer has detected that you already have Freenet 
> installed. Your current installation was installed using an older, 
> unsupported installer. To continue, you must first uninstall your 
> current version of Freenet using the previously created uninstaller:", 
> "Il Programma di Installazione di Freenet ha rilevato una copia di 
> Freenet installata con un programma di installazione obsoleto e non pi? 
> supportato. Per continuare ? necessario rimuovere le copia di Freenet 
> attualmente installata, usando lo script di disinstallazione[*] generato 
> a suo tempo")

Translating to the equivalent of:
(don't worry about the horrible English syntax, it does work in Italian)
" Freenet Installer detected the presence of a previous Freenet 
installation. Please remove the currently installed version before 

"Freenet Installer has detected that you already have Freenet 
installed. Your current installation was installed using an older, 
unsupported installer. To continue, you must first uninstall your 
current version of Freenet using the previously created uninstaller:", 
"Il Programma di Installazione di Freenet ha rilevato l'esistenza  di una 
precedente installazione di 
Freenet. Si Prega di rimuovere[*] l'attuale installazione prima di continuare"

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