Le Mardi 05 Janvier 2010 02:35:19, Ian Clarke a ?crit :
> 2010/1/4 Cl?ment Vollet <cvollet at gmail.com>
> > Since the official english wiki is being moved to sourceforge, can we
> > also put
> > the french wiki there too?
> > It's already on mediawiki, so it should be pretty straightforward (?).
> You may want to wait a bit, as its possible we'll be migrating elsewhere,
> perhaps to emu (our own server).  If so, you'll be welcome to migrate the
> french version there too.
AFAIK, it's already on emu (the url is htpp://doc-fr.freenetproject.org).

But clearly, if SF is not the definitive solution, there's no point migrating 
> Ian.

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