On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 6:09 PM, Matthew Toseland
<toad at amphibian.dyndns.org> wrote:
> On Tuesday 05 January 2010 01:35:19 Ian Clarke wrote:
>> 2010/1/4 Cl?ment Vollet <cvollet at gmail.com>
>> > Since the official english wiki is being moved to sourceforge, can we also
>> > put
>> > the french wiki there too?
>> > It's already on mediawiki, so it should be pretty straightforward (?).
>> >
>> You may want to wait a bit, as its possible we'll be migrating elsewhere,
>> perhaps to emu (our own server). ?If so, you'll be welcome to migrate the
>> french version there too.
> We do not want to host it on emu! There are many free wiki hosting services, 
> and we do not want to have to
> admin anything that isn't absolutely vital. Moving the wiki off emu is an 
> important step towards getting rid of emu.
> Another important step will be moving the bug tracker.

So what is the alternative?  Sourceforge seems to be a usability
nightmare (as its always been).

We should move stuff off Emu if we can, but we shouldn't infinitely
delay something the project needs if Emu is the only viable option.


Ian Clarke
CEO, SenseArray
Email: ian at sensearray.com
Ph: +1 512 422 3588

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