On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 4:48 AM, alex <alejandro at mosteo.com> wrote:
> Evan Daniel wrote:
>> We should consider doing something about time of day effects, though
>> I'm not precisely sure what. ?If we insert one day, and then retrieve
>> several days later at the same time, I suspect we get a higher success
>> rate than if we retrieve later at a different time of day, because a
>> more similar set of nodes will be online.
> I pointed to this external website in the past, but I think it's a good time
> for a reminder:
> http://crawler.trillinux.org/history.html
> These are the stats for the G2 (bastard child of gnutella) network. I know
> that the usage patterns may be different, but I also believe that these
> detailed usage pattern stats from another p2p network may be insightful.
> I think that backs pretty well the point raised by Evan that time locality
> is of importance. There are also histograms for uptime, an animated map of
> hubs around the world...
> Also, in G2, hub nodes are encouraged to stay online, just as users of
> freenet are.

Alternately, we could look at stats from Freenet itself :)

freenet:USK at 

Evan Daniel

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