- Internal error on persistent download for mp3 with the check filter flag 
enabled. This should be an unfilterable content error.
- WoT
- Freetalk
- Spider
- XMLSpider
- FlogHelper
- BMP filter failure in unit tests.
- dangerousInlines not dangerousInline
- Are self-closing tags an issue on truncated filtering in HTMLFilter? I doubt 
it but double-check what the behaviour is on EOFing when in the middle of a 
- ContentFilter charset detection code MUST use readFully, or a loop achieving 
similar goals. read() doesn't read the full buffer.

Minor stuff:

[01:31:51] <toad_> third, CharsetExtractor taking a byte[] of unspecified size 
is a bit strange, you should have CharsetExtractor tell the caller how big the 
buffer should be

- close the streams before freeing the buckets

- BMPFilter, CSSReadFilter, GIFFilter, HTMLFilter: don't flush in finally
- JPEG filter: don't flush on writing a frame, flush at the end (when 
returning/exiting the loop).

- should pass the overridden mime type along in places where we generate 
expected mime type events as well. non-critical.
- should maybe also pass it in other places where we set the expected mime type 
on FetchException's. again non-critical.

(f0dddb70e787388f3a674e9530e44962ce43d1c3 improves a bit)
- what about just calling getMessage() on FetchException?
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