On Tuesday 30 March 2010 12:35:00 Ximin Luo wrote:

> > No, it will not. If work on the branch continues (which is unlikely
> > because it has been merged so further work would happen on the master
> > branch) I would just merge master again. Simple and beautiful.
> What I meant by weird was it'll look like this:
> -o---o       o---o <- master
>       \     /
>        \   /
>         \ /
> -o---o---o---o---o <- identicon
> which looks like master was pulled into identicon then branched off again.
> Which is basically what has happened here without --no-ff.

No, it doesn?t. The situation looked kind of like this:

-o-o-o-------o <- master
      \       \
       o-o-o---o <- bombe/identicon

After merging the identicon branch into master it looks like:

      \       \
       o-o-o---o <- master / bombe/identicon

With --no-ff you would get:

-o-o-o-------o---o <- master
      \       \ /
       o-o-o---o <- bombe/identicon

This looks more confusing IMHO.

> But it should really look like this:
> -o---o---o---o---o  <- master
>         /
>        /
>       /
> -o---o---o---o      <- identicon

No, it shouldn?t. There are no commits in the identicon branch that are not 
merged into master.

> If you are going to have a merge-and-push workflow then it makes sense to
> do this consistently, and generate a merge commit whenever you pull from a
> repo that you are not tracking.

We are not aiming for a workflow containing a push. What (I think) we want to 
utilize is the workflow that is used by e.g. the Linux team and the Git team, 
where only a few persons have access to the official repository, pulling 
changes from various other people that are doing the ?hard work.? In that 
workflow fast-forward commits are actually preferable because they do not 
cause a merge and are thus less likely to cause conflicts and grieve. :)

> X

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