2010/10/11 Ian Clarke <ian at locut.us>

> On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 4:47 PM, <cvollet at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Each feature should be treated as a different application, like google,
>> gmail, google maps, etc...
> I think there is much to be inspired by in Google's various apps, including
> their clean UIs, however the fact that they are separate largely isolated
> applications isn't one of them.  I think Facebook is a better (although also
> imperfect) source of inspiration here.  Also Facebook also has the paradigm
> of being connected to people, and has created metaphors around this that
> most people now understand intuitively.  Its always better to piggy-back on
> metaphors people already understand, rather than trying to introduce new
> ones.
> Well, here are the reasons why I think google's metaphor fits better:
- Freenet is the network. Other things are just apps, I think we can agree
on that,
- There is no link between those apps (Search/Filesharing/Friends
- It allows us to have a specific design for every application, thus making
it clear and simple, whereas with Facebook-like UI, we always have the
surrounding context which doesn't represent anything,
- It allows to decouple the network and the applications which run on it,
making it easier to reuse those applications in freesites, like using
Freetalk embedded in a freesite as a forum.
- Users already understand this (well, like Facebook),
- Users won't see Freenet as a restricted version, like now, where Freenet =
FProxy essentially. It allows them to grasp more easily the concept of an
alternative network, and so not to be surprised when they see standalone
application like Frost/Thaw/Freemule, ...
- We don't lose the integration between applications, look at gmail, where
google integrated youtube, documents, etc. when you receive a mail. We can
do the same thing, for instance, like now, recommend a file to a friend in
the filesharing application, showing up in the facebook-like application of
the friend.

And I don't see anything that a facebook-like UI has to offer. We should
clearly have one for the Freenet "social application", using friends and/or
WoT, but I think it would limit Freenet to one application. Moreover, we
limit 3rd party apps who want to integrate to the UI.

> I don't want to have to learn or remember that "FreeTalk" is the forums
> tab, it should just be called "Forums".  I don't want to have to remember
> that "Fproxy" is where I browse websites, it should be called something like
> "Browse Websites".
In other words, we shouldn't give names to different facets of Freenet that
> people will have to learn, they should be named descriptively, and should be
> seamlessly integrated, rather than treated as a series of separate
> applications.
I agree, and if you look at google applications name, they're pretty

> I would really like to see some mockups too - now that GWT 
> Designer<http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/tools/gwtdesigner/index.html>has 
> been made freely available by Google, it should be very easy for people
> to throw together some mockups for us to discuss and get our teeth into.
> I began to do a mockup, but:
- I have another project (nearing the end) with a higher priority,
- GWT Designer doesn't work well here, and it can be a PITA sometimes,
- While I was doing the mockup, I realized I was pretty much copying FProxy
(just reorganizing it), and I wondered if it wouldn't be best to lay down
some ground rules and concept, without thinking of FProxy at all.

> Ian.
> --
> Ian Clarke
> CEO, SenseArray
> Email: ian at sensearray.com
> Ph: +1 512 422 3588
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