On Thursday 28 October 2010 18:16:56 Samu Voutilainen wrote:
> On Thursday 28 October 2010 20:12:53 Matthew Toseland wrote:
> > On Thursday 28 October 2010 17:36:15 Thomas Sachau wrote:
> > > Am 28.10.2010 14:21, schrieb Matthew Toseland:
> > > > It would simplify the build process and enable us to use new language 
> > > > features if we moved to Java 1.6. The problem is:
> > > > 1) Mac OS/X 10.4 only has Java 5. As I understand it you have to pay 
> > > > for upgrades, and they are disruptive, so most people don't?
> > > > 2) It would slightly increase the difficulty of getting Freenet working 
> > > > on free JVMs.
> > > 
> > > Icedtea is a free JVM and does support 1.6 (i actually use it, so i can 
> > > confirm, that it works with
> > > freenet), so this part should not stop 1.6 requirements.
> > 
> > Right but on embedded you'd want GCJ (or even Kaffe). Does GCJ support 1.6 
> > adequately?
> > 
> I see few problems with this idea: GCJ has never supported Java?s standard 
> library that well. Also, on embedded system, where you have 512M memory to 
> run Freenet, you can also run normal Linux system. So jvm won't weight that 
> much on such system.

You can do it with 256. You can maybe even get away with 128, especially if the 
disk is fast, and if we do some more optimisations, and don't use the client 
layer too much.

Such systems may well not be x86 compatible, in which case finding a good Sun 
JVM may be difficult.
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