I've been working on adding default settings to the wizard as planned
here: http://piratepad.net/H3kOp3QXuV . The first page currently looks
like this: http://i.imgur.com/zyUSj.png , which is based on
http://draketo.de/proj/freenet-rabbit-hole/ .

The changes so far:

-Add pre-sets:
  -Low security:
    -Sets: low network security, normal physical security, auto-update
and UPnP enabled.
    -Asks: bandwidth limits, datastore size.
  -High security:
    -Sets: high network security, (requires confirmation) auto-update
and UPnP enabled.
    -Asks: physical security, node name, bandwidth limits, datastore size.
-Refactor wizard to separate wizard steps.
-Skip the browser warning if using Chrome.
-Show warning about clobbering tabs if on Firefox 3.6 in privacy mode.
-Don't ignore incognito setting on browsers other than Firefox.
-Change getParam(String name, String defaultValue) to return default
if the value is specified but empty, as per documentation.

Before declaring this done, I plan to:
-Skip bandwidth configuration if the limit has been autodetected.
-Change page titles from "Freenet First Run Wizard! <step>" to "Set up
Freenet: <step>"
-Find and fix more bugs
-Clean up and document.

I'd appreciate any feedback, especially on wording, page layout, or
code design. My branch is here:

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