On Tuesday 09 Aug 2011 05:00:50 Steve Dougherty wrote:
> I've been working on adding default settings to the wizard as planned
> here: http://piratepad.net/H3kOp3QXuV . The first page currently looks
> like this: http://i.imgur.com/zyUSj.png , which is based on
> http://draketo.de/proj/freenet-rabbit-hole/ .

So far so good. If the screen is narrower they stretch vertically?
> The changes so far:
> -Add pre-sets:
>   -Low security:
>     -Sets: low network security, normal physical security, auto-update
> and UPnP enabled.
>     -Asks: bandwidth limits, datastore size.
>   -High security:
>     -Sets: high network security, (requires confirmation) auto-update
> and UPnP enabled.

Which requires confirmation? High network security, or auto-update and UPnP? 
I'm not sure whether we should require confirmation on high. I don't think we 
should require it for UPnP and auto-update.

>     -Asks: physical security, node name, bandwidth limits, datastore size.

Asking about physical security makes sense because the user may want to set a 

> -Refactor wizard to separate wizard steps.
> -Skip the browser warning if using Chrome.
> -Show warning about clobbering tabs if on Firefox 3.6 in privacy mode.

Ummm, that's the only case where we DO need to show it!

> -Don't ignore incognito setting on browsers other than Firefox.
> -Change getParam(String name, String defaultValue) to return default
> if the value is specified but empty, as per documentation.

Hmmm, ok.
> Before declaring this done, I plan to:
> -Skip bandwidth configuration if the limit has been autodetected.

Good idea, but only in the low/high cases. In the custom case we should ask 

Although, some users will be worried about transfer ... but we'd need to 
actually show the likely monthly transfer for this to be useful ...

> -Change page titles from "Freenet First Run Wizard! <step>" to "Set up
> Freenet: <step>"
> -Find and fix more bugs
> -Clean up and document.
> I'd appreciate any feedback, especially on wording, page layout, or
> code design. My branch is here:
> https://github.com/Thynix/fred-staging/tree/skip-the-wizard
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