
I'd like to share my uses cases for a Darknet in a neighborhood
wireless network.  Please feel free to tear them apart.  I'm wondering
where and how Freenet can be "the filesharing program" of choice,
here, and I realize some cases may be missing some necessary detail.
Perhaps this group can help me to understand where I need to do more
work.  Thank you for your time and for creating such an awesome and
needed program!


In Indonesia bandwidth to outside the country is very expensive.  It
is much simpler to construct a network that allows users to share
files within a small-world local area network.  Our goal is to
preserve anonymity and to increase access to education materials
through trusted individuals over a wifi network.


These use cases revolve around these objects:
Trainee - the trainee is a computer user who is assumed to have
minimal computer savvy.  They are engaged in training to learn more
about computers!
Trainer - the trainer is loading traning videos to the network along
with support information
Cafe Operator - this person controls the hardware and configuration of
several computers.  Users of the computers are anonymous.
Training Site - an html file with descriptions of and links to Video
files and support files like PDFs and additional sites with exercises.
Training Video - the distribution of video is a key to this system.
Downloading copies of the large video files from other countries is
not practical in our example.
Wifi Network - this network is NOT connected to the internet; it only
connects users to each other.
File sharing program - should allow for maximum anonymity.  Only
connect with known friends in the network.  No sharing of personal
information by default.  Best if it can be configured with default
settings for maximum protection.


Plausible deniability - any one person should not know what file/s are
stored on a computer.
Ease of use - if given the name of a friend, the SSID of the network,
and the name of the fliesharing client the user should be able to
setup the program with maximum security
Speed of access - even large video files should be relatively
accessible.  The wait for a 1GB download should be less than 1 hour.
Run in the background - the file sharing program should be running in
the background unobtrusively so as to speed packages through the
network.  Ideally the program could be configured to make connections
through a "preferred" network connection to 'stop' any connections
being made over an ISP network.

Use Cases

Use Case: Adding a new Video and Updating the Index

The Trainer signs into their file sharing program
The choose a video to share and load the video
They receive a key that is a reference link to the video
The user stores this key in an html file
The user shares the new version of the html file

Use Case: Watch a Training Video from the Darknet

User can sit at an internet cafe and login to a machine anonymously
User can click a link and be taken to a web page
The web page is loaded from a distributed filestore anonymously
The web page points to video file link
The user clicks on the link and the video loads
The user watches the video

Use Case: New User

A new user receives a "friend code" from a friend and a key for a
shortcut to the Training Site
The user downloads a piece of file-sharing software and configures it
for maximum security
The user adds the "friend code"
The user is now "connected" to the friend
They login to their home computer and connect to an unsecured wifi network
The user enters the key for the Training Site and downloads it.
Use Case: New wifi extension and dedicated storage

A cafe operator installs a wireless router to extend the wifi network
The cafe operator sets up a computer that is connected to the wifi
network and running the file-sharing program.
The operator calls the new node "kamicave"
The operator shares 2TB of diskspace on the computer.
The machine is then connected to the operator's friend in the Darknet
through a friend key.

Use Case: New Multi-user machine

The operator sets up the filesharing software on 15 machines on site
in their internet cafe.
The machines are then connected to the operators' friend as well as
his own "kamicave"
The cafe owner shares 20GB of space on each of 15 machines
He chooses to run the file-sharing program in the background as a service
He locks down the configuration of the service so that the cafe users
may not adjust the privacy and security settings
He configures a link so that each machine can browse and download
files from the Darknet through "kamicave" or other friends that he
adds to the network.

Use Case: User on multi-user machine

User logs in anonymously to a machine
They bring up the filesharing program and add a new friend
They download a file from the friend and view it
After logging out of the machine their "friend" is purged from the
settings of the file sharing program and all data downloaded or
associated with the sessions is erased and overwritten

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