The following is relevant to Robert's thread. It's close to what he was talking 
about. TheSeeker is the other big contributor.

On a node which does a lot of downloads, the peers approach a flat circle: They 
are more or less evenly distributed.

On a node which just routes we get a very strong small world effect.

This is LRU in action: It is adapting to the user's demands. Even though we 
limit the proportion of local requests to be similar to those from any of our 
peers, if the download is successful, it will rewire our connections to be more 
widely distributed to improve performance for the majority of *successful* 

What effect does this have on the network as a whole? It is probably bad - the 
external requests, which are the majority, are then routed very badly.

Should we only start path folding once HTL drops below the caching threshold?

- Routing is no longer disproportionately optimised for local requests. 
Hopefully higher overall performance.
- Prevents the trivial opennet path-folding-originator-sampling attack.

- No direct theoretical backing at present. We need to talk to a theoretician.
- We should not deploy this while there are other big network things happening.

A further thought: Since we don't cache until the HTL drops below the caching 
threshold anyway, tunneling would not necessarily be as expensive as thought? 
The cost is not the cost of relaying the data, *we have that anyway* by our 
policy of not caching until HTL falls below the threshold - the cost is the 
cost of relaying the data WITHOUT CHECKING THE LOCAL CACHES. On average we go 2 
hops at HTL 18, then another hop at 17.

And if we can have multiple tunnels divided by keyspace location, that might 
further improve performance? The catch would be how to create short tunnels 
securely. Security of a tunnel primarily means, in the first instance, that the 
peer that the tunnel goes through first cannot compromise the entire tunnel. 
Unfortunately this is hard, as I've explained before... random rendezvous 
tunnels might work at least as a first approximation ... But we'd need detailed 
work, probably including attack simulations, to know whether it would actually 
work, and how hard it would be to break ...
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