New load management is very nearly ready to go. I propose to deploy it on 
Monday the 1st of August, if all goes well. There is minimal feature work left, 
mainly it needs testing. I don't know how long it will take to stabilise it, 
although it looks good at the moment.

The darknet enhancements are also essential, especially given our being 
dangerously honest on the wizard. But beyond building the darknet, they should 
also help with marketing. I don't expect this to take more than 2 weeks.

We need to make Sone an official plugin, and look seriously at Jfniki. I don't 
expect either of these to take more than a few days.

And our funding runs out roughly mid September.

Therefore I propose that we aim to get 0.8.0 out (or at least a beta), by 
September 1st, including the above features. I hope by then Freetalk will also 
have had its most serious bugs sorted out. Various people are working on 
side-issues, for instance operhiem1 is working on the user interface, and there 
are various minor features I will need to look at too, for instance further 
work on plugin updating (particularly for JSTUN).
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