Freenet does make you think you are in 1996.

Joke aside, IMHO, the Freenet main page does not change enough to 
warrant a CMS.

On 21-03-2012 13:54, Ian Clarke wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 8:09 PM, Daxter <xovatdev at 
> <mailto:xovatdev at>> wrote:
>     On Mar 18, 2012, at 8:04 PM, Leah Hicks wrote:
>>     I have done my research, although I have to admit wordpress is
>>     not perfect. If it is /really/ that big of an issue then we will
>>     simply not use it. And yes I'm aware of the current
>>     implementation however it uses javascript which will not run if
>>     users have javascript disabled. If someone can find a workaround
>>     for that I'm golden. 
>     The problem with any CMS is that if/when Freenet gets a lot of
>     publicity (e.g. something was leaked via Freenet) then it will
>     undoubtedly be under attack. Allowing dynamic content at all is
>     asking for trouble. I think it's best to keep the main site
>     static, generated beforehand with a templating engine--my favorite
>     being HAML (
> I think ruling out any dynamic content for security reasons is 
> excessive, there are plenty of secure dynamic websites.
> That being said, Wordpress does have a history of vulnerabilities, my 
> person blog has been hacked twice due to vulnerabilities in Wordpress, 
> although not in the last 2 years.
> I've heard from various people that Wordpress' source code is a total 
> mess, and they have a caviler attitude towards security holes 
> (basically their attitude is that if you don't upgrade the minute we 
> release a new version it's your own fault if you get hacked).
> Getting hacked would be far more damaging for us than most projects 
> given that people download and install software from our site.
> So I agree with the reluctance about using Wordpress, but it's going 
> to far to rule out any dynamic content.  This isn't 1996.
> Ian.
> -- 
> Ian Clarke
> Founder, The Freenet Project
> Email: ian at <mailto:ian at>
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