On 2013/08/05 (Aug), at 1:57 PM, Matthew Toseland wrote:

> Freenet has over 900 downloads a day, yet only a small number of nodes are 
> added to the network.
> ... a lot of people are downloading Freenet but not reaching the point of 
> having working opennet nodes.

Ouch. But how sure is the network size estimate? Mine only sees 6k nodes ATM.

> So we need to figure out why. My money's on problems with antivirus software.

I wonder if this means there are thousands of would-be-nodes that are 
installed, running, and not initialized (no darknet, no opennet).

There might be a stat we can collect in this respect.... IMO, we should have a 
timer that fires if a node has not been initialized after N days (1 day? 2?) 
that makes a HTTP request to the server saying, "I'm running, but lost"... 
maybe reporting how many (if any) wizard screens they got through, esp number 
of FProxy requests (did they even hit the first screen!).

If your hunch is right, then we should see near-zero "I'm lost" signals (b/c 
the software is not getting to the point that it is running).

If my hunch is right, we'll see a bunch [800-900/month] of running-but-cut-off 
nodes because:
(1) maybe the installer-to-browser transition does not work in every case, or
(2) they close the browser window, and can't find their way back to it (have 
you seen a "full" desktop & task tray?), or
(3) they get scared off by some step in the setup wizard.

Robert Hailey

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