On Sun, 2017-04-09 at 19:57 -0300, Fernando Mumbach wrote:
> Hello,

Hi Fernando,

Since no one is replying to you, I will attempt to...

> downloads.freenetproject.org is still using the old cert,

It is a feature, not a bug :)

The plan was to drop that FQDN... and then at the last minute, Arne has
decided to release a build (1478) that has changed the plan.

I have made it clear that it wouldn't work... but been ignored.

>  and the archlinux package fails to update because the cert is
> invalid. Did you maybe forgot to also update the subdomain?

The plan has always been to drop that vhost altogether. I haven't
dropped it because of the last minute change to the plan, that's all.

Its organization doesn't make sense (keeping alpha in the path, ...) and
is unsuitable for everyone (packagers, build tools that expect metadata,
...), not to mention that it costs the project money to keep the VPS it
sits on up. That's why I am keen on getting rid of it once and for all.

The initial plan was to setup a new vhost (mvn.freenetproject.org) that
would be AWS/S3 baked and would provide a maven-like repository
structure we would push our builds to (and that packagers, installers,
build tools, ... ) could use.

Just like you, I have zero visibility on what is supposed to be
happening... or what the current plan is; rest assured that it's not
just the various packages that are broken (1478 doesn't magically bypass
the certificate expiry check and has obviously not received any testing
before being released). 

I have stopped to work on next since that isn't where the builds are
being released from anymore...

>  The subdomain "wiki" works okay for me (it redirects correctly to
> github). I do not know of others subdomains, but we should test all
> the domains.

All the domains for which a plan did exist have been migrated (website,
bugs, wiki). Those that haven't will see their DNS entry removed soon
(doc-fr, testing, old-wiki, archives, downloads, emu).


> On 05-04-2017 20:35, Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > The certificate expired and we use HTTP Strict Transport Security
> > (HSTS). That means: Our old site is down until the DNS can be
> > switched
> > over to the AWS site.
> > 
> > Let’s treat this as a test of what would happen if an attacker were
> > to
> > take down our clearnet infrastructure.
> > 
> > Best wishes,
> > Arne
> > --
> > Unpolitisch sein
> > heißt politisch sein
> > ohne es zu merken

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