Hey guys, sorry for the delay in replying.

I think we should do this, however I'm concerned I may have limited time to
handle administrative tasks related to it.  Could someone else (Arne?) have
primary responsibility for managing it - and I will assist where necessary?


On Sat, Jan 30, 2021 at 5:56 AM Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide <arne_...@web.de>

> Hi,
> Registration for Google Summer of Code 2021 for Organizations is open.
> Will we take part?
> https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/
> We need an „official representative“ of the project to register, which
> would be Ian?
> I started a list of interesting tasks in the wiki and on a Freesite
> https://github.com/freenet/wiki/wiki/Google-Summer-of-Code-2021
> USK@1e
> ~oSIunnUl4nWEdyZBLjYMGt1IladVmY7GhXnfmHRw,hAhN74IAmm2Eo5Qkr6ZCEcG3MVBEexrbFXBp61W3jcI,AQACAAE/gsoc-2021/2/
> The ones that I see as most impactful on the short term now that we have
> a mobile app in FDroid (yay DC*!) are content filters for
> - ogg opus,
> - vp9, and
> - av1
> Those would make the upcoming in-browser streaming fast enough that
> freesites can provide video-on-demand in HD-quality.
> In addition anything that can add features from icicles to the mobile
> node: https://github.com/freenet-mobile/app
> Best wishes,
> Arne
> --
> Unpolitisch sein
> heißt politisch sein
> ohne es zu merken

Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Email: i...@freenetproject.org

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