Who are you, and what on earth makes you think you have the right to demand
any information from me?

I really can't believe you people, the narcissism is off-the-charts. Are
you all children? Seriously.

On Fri, Jan 20, 2023 at 12:02 PM <free...@nullvoid.me> wrote:

> Ian,
> I have read over the last responses and there seems to be some items
> that I would like clarification on, as well as some comments I would
> like to add as a community member, node volunteer, and supporter of the
> Freenet "fred" project.
> DuckDuckGo donated $25,000 several years ago, that money has still not
> been allocated or spent, will it be spend along with the $100,000 grant
> given to Loculus? Where will that money go?
> While the charity called The Freenet Project is your baby and passion,
> it seems a bit unorthodox to do the following:
> Have an 18 month private discussion with one dev, claim you disagree
> with his objections and overrule them.
> Go to the board, and claim this is happening, in secret, with no public
> proof of any opposing views being debated or suggested (names can be
> redacted and transcripts posted as Speaker #1) or at least minute notes
> of these meetings.
> Announce over a mailing list you have not posted to in months, let alone
> to FMS or Sone, that this change is happening and it's happening now.
> Limiting any other devs or community members to engage in discussion or
> presenting valid alternatives. (like you state Arne doesn't speak for
> everyone)
> Demand code to be changed to update these changes, (I don't see a pull
> request from you) and magically hope that all documentation including
> unmaintained one will follow? (how do you expect abandoned freesites to
> update their language?)
> Please place yourself into the shoes of the community you were expected
> to represent and lead, and realize maybe there was some mistakes made
> here and more discussion should be done.
> While the core of this issue is just a naming decision, and not your
> leadership style or actions. There seems to be a 20 plus year common
> understanding that Freenet is Fred, and Freenet Classic is Fred 0.5 when
> the network forked.
> Locutus is a new software project that meets very similar goals as your
> charity organization. Maybe it would be best to create a new
> organization to support the management and funding of Locutus, instead
> of doing what feels to many as a "rugpull" from Freenet's community and
> support.
> I fear that even with your declaration, many users and devs will not
> comply, and as Freenet is uncensorable, and development can continue
> over itself. I wonder how you will deal with a rogue project (in your
> eyes) stealing the name as it continues to operate against your wishes.
> Respectfully,

Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Email: i...@freenet.org <i...@freenetproject.org>

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