On 12 juin 08, at 10:48, Vincent Massol wrote:

> Hi Venkatesh,
> On Jun 12, 2008, at 10:40 AM, Venkatesh Nandakumar wrote:
> [snip]
>> 1. Syntax Highlighting, to a large extent, though there have been
>> problems, as pointed out by Malaka, *bold~~combined~~bold* doesn't  
>> give
>> the required effect, and secondly, the complex use of '*' in the wiki
>> syntax makes it a bit difficult to differentiate between actual  
>> *bold*
>> usage versus listing uses, maybe we would have to create own custom
>> regex-based rules for it later. For other tags, its been simple and
>> straightforward.
> Do you really need to parse it yourself? We have a parser in charge  
> of doing this so you don't have to care at all about these problems.  
> That's unless the system you use for syntax highlighting uses regexs  
> (in which case I think it should be changed).
This is something related to the Eclipse text-infrastructure which  
uses its own techniques for identifying text elements, and the way it  
does  is a way that it is not the standard way. The basic framework  
provides some "rules" that are used for chopping the text into  
partitions that are assigned a given type.

For example, XML comments can be processed by using:
new MultiLineRule("<!--", "-->", "XML_COMMENT_PARTITION"); that  
basically associates everything between <!-- and --> to the type  

I think that in principle a "standard parser" output can be integrated  
into this framework, but this has to be investigated because it might  
not be so simple.

As I said in a previous mail, Malaka might try to think about it as  
the next step of his project.
For sure this would be nice because we would use a single  
"authoritative" parser.



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