On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 10:33 AM, Thomas Mortagne
<thomas.morta...@xwiki.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Ecaterina Moraru (Valica)
> <vali...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Some questions and thoughts about 'flavors':
>> What exactly is a Flavor? First I've said that is just a group of
>> extensions, like a 'bundle'. Another idea in the initial use case was
>> that the Flavor is something installable or 'stand-alone' and you
>> select it when you create a new wiki. Although the 'bundle' version is
>> included in the 'stand-alone' one, the reverse is not valid.
>> I liked very much the idea of a 'bundle' because it provided a way to
>> organize extensions in silos. A simple example, we could bundle our
>> old ColorThemes in a 'Default ColorThemes before 3.4 Bundle'. This
>> bundle has 6 dependencies to ColorThemes: OldDefault, Bordo, Nature,
>> etc. I've used the Repository Application [5] to define my bundle.
>> * Problem 1: When you create an extension the extension must not be
>> empty (if it's empty you don't get the 'Installable with EM'), it
>> cannot be just a list of dependencies. In the case of 'stand-alone'
>> you should have a custom homepage or other pages, but in a 'bundle'
>> use case you don't need to add something more. I've tricked the
>> Repository App and I've attached a picture with the ColorThemes in the
>> bundle, give it a version, declared the dependencies and it worked.
>> http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/download/Improvements/Flavours/ColorThemesBundle.png
>> [Talked with Edy: apparently this is not a problem is just a UI thing
>> for Repository App]
> It's not just a UI thing but it's not a big issue either, see
> https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-7260.
>> * Problem 2: The installation worked very well and now all the
>> dependencies are installed. My problem is that if I want to uninstall
>> this bundle, it will uninstall just the 'bundle' extension and will
>> not touch the dependencies (even if they are not required by any other
>> extension). So maybe they should not be declared as dependencies, but
>> as 'includes' or something. We could test at uninstall if a dependency
>> is not used somewhere else, we can remove it. Without the removal of
>> 'dependencies' my bundle is useless because it cannot be uninstalled.
>>  [Talked with Edy: said it's normal, you can manually install
>> extensions and use them and wouldn't not be nice to be deleted, even
>> if they are not declared as dependencies by other extensions]
> Yes it should be a new kind of dependency in Extension Manager
> (probably just a property in a dependency). On Maven side we could
> reuse <optional> dependency property probably.
>> * Problem 3: My bundle contains the OldDefault ColorTheme. When I
>> install the bundle I got a conflict because now we have a new
>> ColorThemes.DefaultColorTheme. I've kept the new version in the
>> conflict resolution phase. The problem is that the conflict decisions
>> are not kept and remembered anywhere. Because my uninstall didn't
>> worked I will need to manually uninstall each ColorTheme. When I will
>> uninstall the OldDefault it will delete ColorThemes.DefaultColorTheme
>> even if is not it (because it doesn't know that I didn't selected it
>> in the Conflict Resolution).
>> What I would like is that if I uninstall an extension or a flavor, the
>> uninstall process would restore the wiki at the 'initial' state. And
>> this example I gave is for ColorThemes.DefaultColorTheme, but Flavors
>> will overwrite the Homepage for example. Uninstalling the Flavor will
>> leave the user without a Homepage, or without a UserPreferences or
>> without groups, etc.
>>  [Talked with Edy: said it's problematic :P ]
> Yea "problematic" is an euphemism. What is planned shortly is
> http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-8443 (in your use case you would
> get a conflict about ColorThemes.DefaultColorTheme page when
> uninstalling because it's part of another extension that is not i the
> uninstall plan).
>> Are any of the problems mentioned something interesting and achievable with 
>> EM?
>> Bundles are interesting IMO and they could work for all kinds of
>> grouping, like the Admin Tools, Developer Tools, Content Editing
>> Macros, Social Features Bundle, Importers Bundle, etc.
> Bundles are how flavors among other things were planned to be
> implemented since a long time.
> General notes: what is in Extension Manager right now is what we
> managed to do in the time frame, there is plenty of ideas and plans
> for it but that require someone to do it ;)

I know there are things about EM that I don't know about and I am
writing these mails in case there are use cases that you didn't
thought about :) (maybe)
Thank you for your answers,

>> Thanks,
>> Caty
>> [5] 
>> http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Repository+Application
>> On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 5:38 PM, Ecaterina Moraru (Valica)
>> <vali...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Just sharing a bit my ideas iteration process.
>>> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 6:31 PM, Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net> wrote:
>>>> Hi Caty,
>>>> On Feb 7, 2013, at 5:08 PM, "Ecaterina Moraru (Valica)" 
>>>> <vali...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> XWiki Flavors are a set of predefined extensions having a specific use
>>>>> case in mind. XWiki Flavors can be considered specializations of XWiki
>>>>> instances suited for different purposes like public websites,
>>>>> intranets, content sharing, project management, community status,
>>>>> business intelligence, etc.
>>>>> Scenario: You want to install XWiki. The installer will propose
>>>>> different 'flavors' and will install automatically all required
>>>>> extensions. This way you will have a product close to your initial
>>>>> needs. You can later refine it by installing / uninstalling other
>>>>> extensions.
>>>>> So when I first thought about the process of installing a Flavor I
>>>>> imagined that I could customize what I wanted from the Flavor and
>>>>> select just the things I need. Actually for me Flavors were like
>>>>> categories with subcategories, and more of a classification system,
>>>>> than a packaging one.
>>>>> http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/download/Improvements/Flavours/customizedInstall.png
>>>>> Also another difference in my vision is that I had a Base Package that
>>>>> contains the common denominator for all Flavors. The Base Package
>>>>> should contain basic mechanics for managing content and users.
>>>>> Selecting no flavor will still result in having basic wiki features
>>>>> (page creation, attachments, history, users, etc.).
>>>>> After some discussions with Eduard I understood that Flavors could be
>>>>> defined as extensions and they could contain just a list of
>>>>> dependencies on other extensions. The Extension Manager will install
>>>>> the 'exact' list it gets from the definition without the ability to
>>>>> exclude some dependencies.
>>>> Indeed.
>>>>> I've watched the 'recent' mails about XWiki Flavors [1] [2] [3] [4]
>>>>> and for me the conclusion is clear: we will never agree on what
>>>>> starting features are the best and that will solve everybody's
>>>>> problems. But that is ok and normal and the strength of XWiki is it's
>>>>> extensibility.
>>>>> So the next idea was to have a Flavor Creator that will allow users to
>>>>> create their own collections of extensions. This collection should be
>>>>> then published to extensions.xwiki.org and could appear in the
>>>>> installer list as suggestions.
>>>> Some thoughts:
>>>> * Yes, the idea is that anyone can contribute a flavor on xwiki.org, since 
>>>> it's an extension like any other (it would just have a new type, called 
>>>> "flavor" since we don't have this ATM). The DW will list all flavors it 
>>>> can find from e.x.o. This is where we need some ways to bring the best 
>>>> flavors to the top. My idea was to add ratings to the Repository app for 
>>>> that
>>>> * Also, in the DW the user should be allowed to not install any flavor so 
>>>> that he can then install extensions one by one if he so wishes
>>>> * Re the base package there's no need to have one since extensions declare 
>>>> their require dependencies
>>> Last week I was talking about the Flavor Creator:
>>>>> http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/download/Improvements/Flavours/flavorCreator.png
>>>>> If Application Within Minutes let's you create your own applications,
>>>>> the Flavor Creator would let you make packages of extensions for a
>>>>> specific purpose. This way we strengthen XWiki's extensibility and we
>>>>> let the users take the power and customize the solutions that are
>>>>> perfect for them.
>>> My big problem with Flavors is that we are lacking an extensions
>>> classification.
>>> We had types like applications, skins, colorthemes, etc. but now it's
>>> just XARs and JARs.
>>> We have a tag cloud, but that is a folksonomy and doesn't have
>>> 'standard' categories. When you look at an extension you may not
>>> understand it's purpose and usage use case.
>>> I've started to categorize our extensions and try to define types of
>>> flavors and use cases, but I'm kind of running in circles. But what is
>>> clear to me is that we will need some predefined categories and that
>>> the Flavor Creator is a must (mainly because we don't have a finite
>>> set of extensions and use cases that we are managing).
>>> I also thought a bit about the process of integrating gamification in
>>> our Extensions Repository (e.x.o) and also a way to encourage users to
>>> create Flavors (and also extensions in general).
>>> First of all I've revised the wireframe
>>> http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/download/Improvements/Flavours/flavorCreator.png
>>> with
>>> http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/download/Improvements/Flavours/flavorCreatorV2.png
>>> The main differences is that first you need to select your extensions
>>> and then you can decide what the Flavor will be called and what it
>>> will be the use case. The Focus (productivity, Collaboration,
>>> Development) part is interesting and could reflect your Flavor
>>> orientation (but for this we would need the classification system I
>>> was talking about). For me for example would be fun to try to create
>>> Flavors 100% with one Focus, or to make balanced Flavors, or whatever.
>>> Regarding the Flavor creation process I imagined that it could take
>>> place locally, but also someone could do it from e.x.o.
>>> http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/download/Improvements/Flavours/profileReputation.png
>>> You could receive points for creating, rating, documenting extensions
>>> and Flavors.
>>> We talked a couple of times about Reputation systems
>>> http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Activity+Ranking+Application
>>> and also we had some work integrated in Wiki 3.0 project.
>>> Of course we could also think about generic solutions, but my
>>> wireframes are related mostly to Flavors and e.x.o.
>>> For example, having contributors ranking information we could
>>> represent this information on the e.x.o. homepage along with
>>> extensions statistics
>>> http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/download/Improvements/Flavours/repositoryHomepage.png
>>> These are some ideas related more or less to Flavors and how our
>>> Extensions Repository could look like and be organized.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Caty
>>>> Sounds good.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> -Vincent
>>>>> Just some ideas.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Caty
>>>>> [1] [Idea]"Community" flavor 
>>>>> http://xwiki.markmail.org/thread/2e3fdm3hfuh54vpr
>>>>> [2] [Idea] XWiki Project Development Flavor
>>>>> http://xwiki.markmail.org/thread/334vzyytfvlppmri
>>>>> [3] Idea collection minimal xwiki configuration
>>>>> http://markmail.org/thread/abma4pzuq2ooy6as
>>>>> [4] [UserStory] Wiki Archetypes
>>>>> http://xwiki.markmail.org/thread/jp35ackl2puuscjv
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> Thomas Mortagne
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