Something is not clear to me. What is exactly going to happen in edit
mode when you select an attachment ?

If the plan is to let the attachment tab behave exactly as it does in
view mode (which is to actually upload the attachment and save the
document) I'm really not a big fan of this. If we support attachments
in edit view it should not send anything until we click save.

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 9:41 AM, Vincent Massol <> wrote:
>> On 12 Oct 2016, at 18:47, Guillaume Delhumeau 
>> <> wrote:
>> Just some remarks before I go:
>> * As a developer, I always use the Wiki editor, and even for me it's a pain
>> to go to view mode to upload a file (for example, an image in the release
>> notes).
>> * I never use drag&drop in whatever application I have. I have never liked
>> it because it requires to open a file explorer specially for that and it's
>> always a pain because I use applications in full size mode. I'm sure I'm
>> not the only one so I'm not fond of having it as the only way to upload
>> attachments.
> For the sake of the discussion, also note that there’s another option. Don’t 
> leave the view page when editing (ie. inline editing) and just replace the 
> view area by an edit area. And find how to display the page syntax and 
> include/display references in the UI.
> The nice part is that it 1) it saves a reload of the UI (good for perf) and 
> 2) it feels more snappy and no context switching for the user (better 
> usability).
> If you remember this was a proposal done a very long time ago by Jean-Vincent 
> Drean (tried to find the thread again but didn’t succeed).
> Thanks
> -Vincent
>> Thanks,
>> 2016-10-12 18:00 GMT+02:00 Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) <>:
>>> There are some problems with docextra, because it contains comments, which
>>> are mostly needed in view mode, not in edit. So in edit mode, we would need
>>> just some tabs from docextra. But I'm not sure that adding docextra now
>>> will fix the underlying problem of the issue.
>>> The issue was trying to fix the attachments uploading limitation of the
>>> editor. The problem is that the editors (including CKEditor) are
>>> advertising that they add images and not other file types. If users want to
>>> add a PDF they might be confused.
>>> Ideally the users would just need to drag&drop a file and we would insert a
>>> displayer depending on the dragged type (viewer for PDFs, gallery for
>>> multiple images, image macro for single image, etc.)
>>> Also even if in CKEditor the drag&drop option for images is permitted,
>>> nobody knows about it. And currently CKEditor has the limitation to allow
>>> dragging just images and not other types (dragging an image inserts it,
>>> dragging a text file does nothing).
>>> Other thing to consider is that for Groupware flavor, where we promote
>>> applications, we hide the docextra, since this is not so relevant for
>>> application entries. Hidding docextra creates
>>> and
>>> .
>>> So, a conclusion: I'm not sure adding #docextra in the edit mode is the
>>> best solution, especially since we try to make the interface more simple
>>> and we usually hide docextra also from view.
>>> An idea would be to better mark in the Edit mode that Drag&Drop is
>>> permitted (at least for the CKEditor - the wiki mode will still have the
>>> same issue). Have a drag&drop behavior also for other file types, not just
>>> images (for text files we could create a link for the attached file, etc.).
>>> Plus have a link to manually go to the attachments viewer as a backup (by
>>> fixing the 2 additional issues mentioned). The problem will still remain on
>>> wiki mode, but let's say those users are more advanced and know how to use
>>> viewers (although consistency between the edit modes would be ideal).
>>> Thanks,
>>> Caty
>>> On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 5:26 PM, Guillaume Delhumeau <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi.
>>>> Currently a user have 2 ways to attach a file to a wiki page:
>>>> - in the attachment tab in VIEW mode only ;
>>>> - if it's an image, using a WYSIWYG editor.
>>>> However, if it's not an image, you cannot add it while you're writing the
>>>> content. It's a bit as if you were not able to attach a file while you
>>> were
>>>> writing an email... not user friendly!
>>>> So we have this issue:
>>>> To fix it, I see 2 options:
>>>> - add the handling of attachments in edit mode.
>>>> - add *all* docextra tabs like we have in view mode (it's not because you
>>>> are editing a page that you don't need to see the history of the page,
>>> nor
>>>> the comments).
>>>> But this might be not relevant for the class and the object editor.
>>>> My proposal:
>>>> * Display docextra tabs by default.
>>>> * In class and object editors, set $docExtras = [].
>>>> * Set $docExtras = [] in all sheets where we consider it's not relevant
>>> to
>>>> have the tabs.
>>>> WDYT?
>>>> Thanks,
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