Hi Edy,

> On 8 May 2018, at 12:38, Eduard Moraru <enygma2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> IMO, it's just like any other page: it depends on the application it is
> part of and we can't treat them all the same.
> XWiki.ResetPasswordMailContent should be "default". I see no particular
> reason to customize the reset password email, as it is a standard feature
> and it must be synchronized with the code that is calling the template
> (i.e. any variable bindings define a sort of API that the caller uses.
> Changing the content also risks breaking that contract, since the caller
> could be updated while a customized version of this template will not.).
> The only case I could imagine where the reset password email might be
> customized would be when there exists no translation for a particular
> language and an admin might want to translate it on the fly, however, we
> could treat this as a limitation of the current version and improve it in
> future versions, just like any other code feature.

For me anything visual (themes, skins and thus email templates) are things that 
only should be able to be changed but that users will change for sure (and 
we”ve seen changes for all of them in the history of XWiki).

And yes the bindings we allow using in them are “API contracts” that we 
shouldn’t break at all. They’re exactly like scripting APIs.

> Share by email probably also has an email template which should be
> "default" as well, since the only customization it is designed to support
> is the actual message included by the user and that is already separate
> from the template.
> Other examples? (Notifications probably has its own mechanism for
> displaying certain notifications or what notifications to send by email)

Sure, it’s even documented:

Same for watchlist:

Any template contains UI and as such users will want to change them. That’s 
100% guaranteed. I’m not saying that they’ll all change them but some will. 
They’ll change the wording, they’ll add some custom logo/banner, they’ll make 
some modifications, adding some links, etc.

Now between “default” and “demo” I don’t know. 

There are 2 aspects:
* Aspect 1: If the user makes changes we should keep them for sure. If we also 
make changes at the same time, I guess the best is to try to merge them, unless 
we think it’s going to break most of the time but that’s probably not the case.
* Aspect 2: These pages are meant to be modified by the user so when the user 
edits they shouldn’t get a warning message.

Do we have a type to represent those 2 aspects? ;)


> Thanks,
> Eduard
> On Mon, May 7, 2018 at 7:26 PM, Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net> wrote:
>>> On 7 May 2018, at 18:18, Thomas Mortagne <thomas.morta...@xwiki.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On Mon, May 7, 2018 at 5:02 PM, Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net>
>> wrote:
>>>>> On 7 May 2018, at 16:48, Thomas Mortagne <thomas.morta...@xwiki.com>
>> wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, May 7, 2018 at 4:33 PM, Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net>
>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> It seems we forgot to handle mail template pages. For example
>> XWiki.ResetPasswordMailContent
>>>>>> We need to decide the type: demo, default, etc.
>>>>>> WDYT about demo (i.e. as soon as the user starts modifying it, we
>> don’t upgrade it anymore)?
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> -Vincent
>>>>> All types with allowed edit prevent upgrade.
>>>> I’m not sure we need more than 1 such type. See other mail thread.
>>>>> I think a more important question is: is it OK to delete it ?
>>>> We could. See below
>>>>> Seems to me delete is not OK in this context. Unless it's possible to
>>>>> change the mail template used for password reset ?
>>>> Re delete, I think there’s another thread discussing it, no? I don’t
>> remember the discussion too well and don’t master all the details but AFAIR
>> my preference was to not prevent deletion in general (I’m worried about
>> unplanned use cases requiring a delete, like renaming the page to another
>> place to save it, and then import some XAR containing the new mail
>> template).
>>>> IMO all pages should be deletable without endangering the system. In
>> this case we could imagine:
>>>> * if the template is missing then the password reset page would mention
>> it with the ability to create a default mail template
>>>> * and/or report a mail error in the admin UI when sending the email
>> (since the template doesn’t exist). This means that the template factory
>> for emails should check the existence of the page. This should be handled
>> here: https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/blob/
>> 6e281a093d3751666fdcd3fb3a69cb638cca9b59/xwiki-platform-
>> core/xwiki-platform-mail/xwiki-platform-mail-send/
>> xwiki-platform-mail-send-default/src/main/java/org/
>> xwiki/mail/internal/factory/template/DefaultMailTemplateManager.java#L143
>> AFAICS it will currently report a NPE….
>>> As you said, deleting that page would break reset password feature and
>>> since I don't plan to rewrite it right now it means delete should be
>>> protected IMO. If someone improve this feature later then the type can
>>> be changed to "demo".
>>>> Have we decided what we do about deletes in general?
>>> There hasn't been such discussion.
>> I’m referring to http://markmail.org/message/kjtyzvjp5zzh4gyf (and I’m
>> sure I saw another discussion about that but cannot find it ATM).
>> I still don’t understand why we’re mixing upgradability with deletability
>> (and trying to find names that represent both). Aren’t they 2 different
>> topics?
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
>>> I don't even understand what this
>>> mean, it's obvious to me that deleting some pages don't break anything
>>> while for others you are going to create a huge mess.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> -Vincent
>>>>> --
>>>>> Thomas Mortagne
>>> --
>>> Thomas Mortagne

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