On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 12:46 PM, Guillaume Delhumeau <
guillaume.delhum...@xwiki.com> wrote:

> Notifications application is almost ready to replace the Activity Stream's
> UI. The only remaining thing is the display
> of the messages from the Message Stream in the Notifications.
> We have made a quick brainstorming with Caty and Vincent, and here is our
> conclusions.
> 1/ We think it make sense to display user messages in the notifications
> because it is typically what notifications
> are made for: pop-up important information concerning what the user cares.
> In the past, we decided to disable the
> Message Stream by default because messages were lost in the Activity
> Stream. But in the case of the notifications, users
> can chose what they want to receive so there is less chance to miss
> messages in the middle of thousand of events.
> 2/ Like all other types of notification, there should be a button in the
> notification settings of each user to decide to
> enable or disable these messages in the notifications. It should be enabled
> by default.

> 3/ We should add the "send message" gadget in the "alert" menu (via an UIX)
> so it's easy to find and to send messages.

I'm not very convinced by this. It will clutter the notification menu. An
alternative is to show just an icon/button on the notification menu, that
opens a popup (modal) with the form to send message.

> 4/ Provide a form to be able to reply to a personal message.
> 5/ Let the message stream disabled by default. Users who are used to it
> will not lose the feature but we don't make it
> visible for now until we make some other improvements.
> This is what I am starting to implement right now with the hope it's done
> for XWiki 10.5.
> In the future, we should add the following features:
> a/ Having a real "inbox" application (a "Message Center") to handle all
> messages.
> b/ Be notified when someone mention you in a content or in a comment
> (example: "@vmassol: You may want to read this
> page" will trigger a notification to Vincent Massol).
> c/ Handling correcty messages sent to a group if the first implementation
> do not handle it (group filtering could be a problem
> with SQL).
> Caty, Vincent, please reply if I've forget something.
> All others: if you have any recommendation or counter argument, please post
> it quickly :)
> Thanks for you time and have a great day,
> Guillaume
> --
> Guillaume Delhumeau (guillaume.delhum...@xwiki.com)
> Research & Development Engineer at XWiki SAS
> Committer on the XWiki.org project

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