Hi devs,

> On 30 Jul 2018, at 12:39, Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net> wrote:
> Hi devs,
> It would be great if you could help improve our unit tests using Descartes. 
> This is needed for the STAMP research project 
> (https://www.stamp-project.eu/view/main/) and will benefit XWiki by having 2 
> effects:
> * increasing the test coverage
> * improving the tests themselves (increasing their mutation score)
> Since 10.7 is 50% testing and 50% BFD, it would be great if you could spend 
> all or a substantial part of your testing time working on this.

Just thought about something. In order to know if Descartes (and other STAMP 
tools) are interesting in the longer run, there’s one more parameter that I 
think we should measure during our test sessions described below: the time it 
took to improve by N% the coverage and P% the mutation score.

Because, improving the TPC of a module is not an enough data by itself IMO. 
Imagine that we have 1 free hour to work on testing. We could choose to do:
* Option 1: write a new test for some code that has not been tested and that 
currently has 0% coverage and bring it to, say, 20%
* Option 2: use Descartes to help improve the quality of an existing tests and 
improve the test coverage by, say, 2%

If option 1 takes 2 hours and option 2 takes 5 minutes then option 2 might be 
more interesting. If OTH option 1 takes 1 hour and option 2 takes 15mn then 
option 1 is more interesting by far.

Yes, in order to compare we would need to know also the time it takes to write 
new tests.

However I think that some order of magnitude for using Descartes could already 
provide interesting info to us.

Thus, if you agree if would be nice to also record this in the test data we 
record at 
https://github.com/STAMP-project/descartes-usecases-output/tree/master/xwiki in 
each session.

> I propose the following strategy:
> * You find a module you want to work on.
> * In that module you run: mvn clean install -Pquality 
> -Dxwiki.pitest.skip=false
> * Then you check target/pit-reports/<date>/issues/index.html and verify if 
> there are "pseudo tested" methods listed (when we have finished fixing all of 
> those we can move to “partially tested methods”).
> * If there are some, then please record the current jacoco threshold and the 
> current mutation score. 
> * You can get the jacoco threshold by running "mvn clean install -Pquality 
> -Dxwiki.pitest.skip=false -Dxwiki.pitest.mutationThreshold=100” (or by 
> checking target/pit-reports/<date>/index.html, I haven’t checked yet if they 
> are the same).
> * You can get the current mutation score by checking 
> target/pit-reports/<date>/index.html

* Also record the current time

> * Then fix the test so that Descartes doesn’t report any pseudo tested or 
> partially tested methods

* Record the time again

> * Update the jacoco threshold and the mutation scores in the pom.xml
> * Send a PR on 
> https://github.com/STAMP-project/descartes-usecases-output/tree/master/xwiki 
> using the format already defined there.

* And include the time in the PR.



PS: I’ll try to roughly estimate the times it took me to do the test sessions 
already in 

> WDYT? Doable?
> Thanks
> -Vincent

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