Dear developers,

Now that we consider notifications as an achieved replacement for both
Activity Stream and the Watchlist, I propose to stop maintaining them and
to move them into the "attic" section.

You need to know that we had a dependency on the Activity Stream API, as
the only implementation of the Event Stream, on which the Notifications are
based. So to get rid of this dependency (the code is not using our
component system and is not well tested), I have written a new
implementation of the Event Stream that I have called "Event Stream Store".
It's fully backward compatible with the old implementation, since it is
using the same Database schema. In practice, I re-used some pieces of
Activity Stream that I have modified to fit into components. For more
information, see:

So my proposal is this one:
- use the new store in 11.1
- stop bundle Watchlist and AS in 11.1
- move Watchlist and AS into "attic" in 11.2

Thanks you,

Guillaume Delhumeau (
Research & Development Engineer at XWiki SAS
Committer on the project

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